
A Tribute from the Heather Staff to our wonderful Heather families.

Thank you! We couldn't have done it without you!

Visit the Principal's Activities of the Day below, and enjoy these activities throughout the summer

Principal's Message

Hello Heather Community!

Welcome to our Distance learning portal.

Distance Learning provides us with an opportunity to stay connected, progress in our learning, and establish an at-home learning routine that keeps us engaged. Our professional teaching staff has prepared a daily plan for your child(ren) that will provide structure as well as flexibility while we teach and learn away from school. Teachers will be communicating with you daily to update assignments and check in on progress. We have provided attendance buttons for you to check in daily to indicate your participation on each grade level page.

I thank you for your understanding as we work to provide you with the tools students will need to continue their learning. I am here to answer your questions along the way. Please don't hesitate to reach out.

Stay healthy!

Best,Pam Jasso

Principal Activity of the Day

I will post activities that can be adapted and used for any students in K-3rd grade. Remember "Two Stars and a Wish with Mrs. Jasso" is an ongoing activity, Sign up below.

San Mateo County Libraries

Do you have a San Mateo County Library Card? I love going to the library and many resources are still available, even now. Did you know that you can use your library card to get books to read digitally? What a great way to get new books without leaving your house.

Click here to sign-up for a library card. They will send you the new card electronically.

San Mateo County Librarians are incredible hard at work to keep you reading! Check out these live streams for this week with real librarians from around the county!

Make a marble run out of books!

Mild: Make a book marble run.

Medium: Make a marble run that has multiple paths.

Spicy: Find other household objects to incorporate into your marble run.

This activity has no limits except the number of books/objects in your house right now! You can get as innovative and creative as you like (and your family allows!) to make a sensational marble run! I would love to see your creation so reach out to either create a time to video conference or send a picture to me!

THANK YOU THURSDAYS with Mo Willems! Episode 1

May is THANK-O-RAMA month with Mo Willems! As part of the monthlong celebration, Disney Publishing Worldwide is joining the Kennedy Center for a special video series, Thank You Thursdays! Tune in every Thursday in May any time after 1 p.m. ET to see who Mo (and viewers) will thank each week. For more Thank-O-Rama ideas, visit thankorama.com or #thankorama.

Animate a scene with a flipbook.

Mild: Make a flipbook. Remember you can use a window instead of a light box, any type of paper, and rubber band instead of binder clip.

Medium: Make a flipbook that shows a transformation.

Spicy: Make a flipbook to cheer up a friend when they're feeling sad.

This is a fun activity to do with the whole family!

Pick a "breakout room" and and use your detective skills to try to figure all the clues to get to the end of the puzzle!

In honor of Earth Day this week, here is a fun, 18-minute activity with songs, instruments and humor brought to you by our friends at ZunZun! It is easily accessible to use with students, with 7 built in questions to assess comprehension! It is a great science lesson that is fun, interactive, and full of music and movement.

Click on the image if you want to open or down load the PDF

Two Stars and a Wish with Mrs. Jasso - ONGOING

A 5-10 minute video chat with Mrs. Jasso. I'd love to see and say hello to my Heather students. "2 Stars" are 2 positives and a wish is something they wish could be different. (Download Two Stars and a Wish PDF). Or they can share something they are reading, writing, or have made or done.

Sign up HERE: A Zoom link will be sent to you.

Please provide a telephone number in case I need to call you pending issues. I will add additional dates and time slots in the coming weeks as needed. I'm hoping to get a virtual hug and a hello from my Heather kids!

Week of April 13

Have you ever wanted to hear your favorite storybook read to you by a famous actor or actress? Click here to choose your favorite book and then hear it read to you from a famous actor or actress.

One of my favorite actresses is Reese Witherspoon, click on the Unicorn picture to hear her read, Uni the Unicorn.

Week of April 3

Draw My Monster

Draw My Monster is a super fun way to develop communication skills and to reinforce descriptive writing skills.

April 23

Let's take a peek at what our favorite sea creatures are doing at the Monterey Bay Aquarium today! This amazing resource allows us to visit ocean life in real time and check in on the exhibits that I so enjoy visiting when I'm in Monterey. Be sure to choose a favorite video to watch and craft a list of things you notice and wonder! Researchers often sketch what they see as well and label parts of the animals as they observe, so give it a try if you have the time. Happy Friday!

April 20

Jo Boaler, one of my favorite math leaders in education from Stanford University, keeps me mathematically motivated on You Cubed ! Click on the picture on the left to try one of her fabulous math tasks to get you going today.

aka The Smithsonian

My favorite animal is in this exhibit?

Can you guess what it is?

April 19

Ever wondered what it would be like to take a virtual tour of some of the coolest, most famous museums in the world? Here is your chance to explore one of my favorites in Washington D.C. Just click on the photo to start your adventure for the day!

March 18

Today, we start a journey with distance learning that will create lasting memories because it is so different from school as we know it at Heather. This book talks about memories and how important they are as we get older. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!