
舉辦認可之「童心抗疫」 項目



各認可項目將會上載到本會之「童心抗疫」網頁(名單請按此)及/或Facebook專頁。如有查詢,請電郵至 prog@scout.org.hk 與青少年活動署聯絡。


Organizing recognized “Health Guard” projects

With the aim of allowing members to take part in fighting against the coronavirus infection at home as a Scout during the suspension period of school and scouting activities, the “Health Guard” programme invites different units of the Association, including branches, regions and The Friends of Scouting to organize recognized “Health Guard” projects. This aims to spread positivity and the message to help people and oneself to all members, leaders and the public, which will encourage them to make contributions to the community and fight the virus through joint efforts. Upon completion of the project, participants are eligible to be rewarded/ purchase the red “Health Guard” badge through the organizer.

The branches, regions and The Friends of Scouting have been organizing recognized anti-epidemic activities, which involve community contact, to help those in need in the community, such as distribution of epidemic-prevention items. However, only adult members[i] are allowed to participate in these activities and the organizing of such activities must closely follow relevant safety measures and guidelines (see appendix). If any district plans to organize anti-epidemic activities involving community contact, they must seek the approval from their regions, register as a recognized “Health Guard” project at the Programme Branch through regions and submit an activity report afterwards.

All recognized projects will be uploaded to the “Hong Kong Scout – Health Guard” official website (click here for full list - Chinese Only) and/or Facebook page. For further enquiries, please contact the Programme Branch by email at prog@scout.org.hk.

[i] According to Rule 1.3.3 (g) in the Policy, Organization and Rules of Scout Association of Hong Kong, Venture Scouts and Rover Scouts (with age over 18 or above) are still identified as Youth Members but not Adult Members.