Extra-curricular activities

One of the hallmarks of a Scopus education is the vast range of extra-curricular programs on offer.

Whilst some take place during the course of the school day, others happen out of hours. To enable these to happen, the College operates two early and late bus routes which are available at no extra cost for both permanent and casual users to attend an activity run by the College.

The types of activities on offer will vary throughout the year, but may include the following:

Before school

  • early morning prayers (mandatory for all Year 7 boys for one semester)
  • optional girls prayer service and breakfast group
  • cross country running
  • swimming
  • gym
  • orchestra rehearsal
  • maths boot camp
  • enriched Jewish Studies classes

After school

  • homework club
  • play rehearsal
  • musical rehearsal
  • Outreach program
  • leadership program
  • Talmud class
  • volunteering

Performing Arts

Private music tuition

Mount Scopus operates an extensive music program with a range of performance opportunities.

Private instrumental and vocal tuition is available to take place at the College during school hours, or in some cases, after school, pending the teacher's availability. During school hours, students are withdrawn from classes on a rotating basis so they do not continually miss the same class.

Tuition is available in a wide range of instruments, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Piano
  • Voice
  • Violin
  • Cello
  • Drums
  • Flute
  • Guitar
  • Saxophone

Music scholarships are awarded each year to students in the secondary school, based on ability, which either cover, or contribute to the cost of the music tuition. The scholarship auditions are held on a Sunday in Term 3 each year. Contact the Music department for further details.

College Musical

Every year LFSS stages a major production in the form of the College musical in Term 1. The announcement of the musical takes place around August, and is an event in it's own right at the College - click here to view the latest announcement.

Once the College has received all the required place acceptance documents for a student they become eligible to audition for a role in the musical.