Visitor Policy 

Anyone entering the school building must present a valid physical photo identification to the Security Agent.

We do not accept Picture IDs.

CPC Dress Code

In order to maintain a positive learning environment, it is expected that CPC students dress in a professional manner. We expect CPC students to be dressed appropriately to ensure safety and to keep the focus on teaching and learning. We would like all parents and guardians to remind students of proper dress protocols to promote a more effective learning climate and teach children appropriate dress and decorum in their “workplace” and to help improve student conduct and discipline.

If a student comes to school wearing clothing prohibited by the Dress Code, then the student’s parents will be notified, the student may be subject to the interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code, and the student will be expected to make appropriate adjustments to his/her clothing to conform with the Dress Code (e.g., turning shirt inside out, borrowing temporary clothing until the end of the school day, etc.). Interventions may include but are not limited to: warnings, confiscation of the item and return at end of the day, parent-teacher conference, a student entering a behavioral contract, or revocation of the privilege to bring the item to school. 


School Hours: Monday through Friday 8:20 AM - 2:40 PM 

Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. This relationship between attendance and achievement may appear early in a child's school career. Poor attendance has serious implications for later outcomes as well. Please communicate with your family the importance of this impact and be mindful of the days they miss school. Remember we are preparing our students for the real world today and being responsible for their actions. In helping us support this effort, you can view your child(s) attendance record through NYC GAMA (Grading, Attendance, and Messaging Application)so you can monitor their attendance and have conversations with them as well. Looking forward to working with you to support our children.

Please help us ensure your children come to school everyday, on-time, and prepared to learn!