Academics and Enrichment

At MS 324, our core academic classes are standards-based, culturally responsive, and engaging! In ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies, teachers are guided by the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards, while also using their in-depth knowledge of their content areas and their students to ensure that we can meet every child where they are. 

Student voice and choice are important to us at MS 324, and we build opportunities for students to actively participate in their own education through discussion, project-based learning, presentations, and more. We also value authentic, real world experiences as the basis for student academic growth. Whether performing experiments in Science class, connecting current events to historical eras in Social Studies, applying problem-solving skills to better understand the world around us in Math, or exploring universal themes to discover how to be agents of change in ELA, students at MS 324 develop their knowledge and skills in hands-on ways that are relevant to their lives. 

In these ways, our core academic classes help to build that all-important bridge between the fresh-out-of-elementary-school students who join us as 6th graders and the high-school-and-beyond-ready 8th graders who we send off at graduation. The amount of returning high school (and even college!) students who drop by to share their successes and stories with us are a testament to how MS 324's academics prepare students to accomplish their goals.

Spanish Bilingual Program 

In this program students receive instruction in both the native language and the new language, so that they do not fall behind academically in content areas. At the same time, students receive ESL instruction so they can learn to speak, write, listen, and read  in the new language (English) in order to achieve proficiency.

Tutoring and Academic Support

We offer academic support in a variety of ways