Grade 9 Subject Choices  @ Rustomjee Cambridge

Grade 9 begins in June 

Grade 10 begins in June

Examination Schedule

IGCSE Hindi conducted in Oct/Nov of Grade 10.

Remaining IGCSE subjects will be conducted in Feb/Mar of Grade 10

Please read all the information on the page before filling the Subject Selection form.  No changes to the selection of subjects will be allowed mid-year.

Submission Deadline : 

28 January 

Science Stream

Science Stream 

If you wish to study...

MEDICAL in India, 

Choose: Biology


Choose: Bio  and ICT 

Engineering INDIA/Abroad, Choose:  BIO or ICT

Commerce Stream

Global Perspectives

Mandatory at Grade 9.

At Grade 10, student will be advised whether to opt out of GP based on academic performance and/or interest.

IGCSE Examination Papers

English FLE:  First LAnguage English, English ESL:  English as a Second Language

PCB:  Physics, Chemistry, Biology

ICT is  Information and Communication Technology

GP is Global Perspectives

Sample Student Schedule

Pathways to achieve success at IGCSE

Grade 9 divisions will be formed basis category:  

DO NOT send your child for tuition

We have observed that students who go for tuition don’t pay attention in the class, and often disrupt the class, disturbing the learning environment for all students.

We have many students who score 90% and above without tuition.


Submission Deadline : 28 January