
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

As consumption increases and life-sustaining resources decline, we are faced with a growing crisis for the earth to sustain the demand for its resources. Every other species on the planet follows three rules of ecosystem sustainability:

1. All natural ecosystems gain resources and dispose of waste by recycling all elements.

2. All natural ecosystems sustain themselves by running on solar energy.

3. Large biomasses can not be supported at the end of food chains.

Without sustainability, our species is not destined for great things, but great ends. Just as sound fiscal responsibility leads to sound financial stability; sound environmental responsibility will allow our species to survive for many generations to come. We must move from fossil fuels to a greener method of energy production. We must recycle all of our materials. We must not have large biomasses at the end of food chains. We have to do this for our kids.

People working towards sustainability:

Trees Greenville: Go plant a tree.

Mushroom Mountain is a crazy place that just might figure out how to break down plastic.

Piedmont and SC Beekeepers help to keep some non-natives pollinating our natives!

Greenville Urban Farms!

The Tiny Movement is fascinating. Try out this little PBS video here down at the bottom of the page. And look what people are doing to help homeless! And even a movie about it!

So you want to buy a car? Try greenercars for a good look at what you may want to buy.

City of Greenville Recycling

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.

Willing is not enough; we must do."
