Do Some Good

We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.

Mao Zedong

Below are some sites where you can give or earn some money or food for the less fortunate for just a few clicks. Thank you.

Unicef Tap Project: give someone a day's worth of water by setting your phone down for a bit. Do it now! This sends servicemen a card from you. Do it now.

Feed the world a bit of rice at a time here.

Lend 25 bucks to someone and change their life.

Let us end poverty. Watch The Line and see real people facing poverty.

DO some real good on 10 October for 10:10:10 or anyday for that matter...

Teach girls. Empower women and change everyones' life.

Make every day Earth Day. This Earth Day, March for Science!

We need one of these here. Project Hope Alliance.

Trees Greenville is doing good things to reforest the upstate. Give them some of your time.