Mrs. Schmeck

Welcome! I am delighted to be gifted this opportunity to be your teacher!

When you come to school we will begin our journey of getting to know one another. Lucky you, you get a sneak peek about me! 

In school, I go by Mrs. Schmeck (ssh-mmm-eck). My last name is German and it basically means “to taste/indulge”. This works well for me because I am a huge foodie! 

My husband and I have two high school-aged children. We kayak, mountain bike, hike, camp, play soccer, and we spend a lot of time outside getting dirty! When we aren’t outside we are typically cooking something tasty or I'm crocheting something cozy! 

I have been teaching for a long time! I am currently working towards my Educational Doctorate in Instructional Leadership. My Bachelor’s degree is in Elementary Education with a Foreign Language focus; I also have a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction with an Early Childhood/Child Development focus, my Principal’s Certificate, and am certified to teach Middle Level ELA. This is my fourth year with Spring Creek Elementary as a fifth-grade teacher. I am excited to be with this amazing community both in and out of the classroom! 

Throughout the year, you will hear some crazy stories about our zany animals! First, we have Molly. She is a ten-year-old Shih Tzu who is full of adorably hysterical sass. Molly is overly passionate about de-squeaking all the toys! We have three indoor cats. They are Ginger (she’s huge and snuggly), Gilbert (she’s a yarn-crazed maniac), and FuzzBall (she’s…temperamental). There is also a semi-free hopping indoor rabbit as well! His name is Smudge and he likes to rearrange my daughter's bedroom while she’s away. 

Okay, that's a pretty solid sneak peek, don't you think? I can't wait to get to know you! 

Goodbye, for now! 

-Mrs. Schmeck