Engage the Community

The Board is committed to conducting an inclusive, thoughtful, and comprehensive process to find the next Superintendent of Schools for Scarsdale. In consultation with HYA, the Board developed a plan to gather significant stakeholder input to the search. Ms. Deborah Raizes and Dr. Susan Guiney, our search consultants, hosted focus groups and meetings with parents, students, Board members, administrators, faculty members, staff members, village leaders, liaison groups, community groups, and other school stakeholders. In addition to these focus groups, our consultants hosted open forums for any member of the community, faculty, and staff to share their input. A survey was also sent in September to all members of the school community and broader community. Regular updates were provided to the school community on the progress of the search to provide as much transparency as possible. Updates were provided at Board meetings, as well as through direct communication and on this website.

Timeline: August - September

Status: Complete


