Second Grade Cohort B Wednesday

You must attend green activities

Second Grade Cohort B - Wednesday, November 25

9:10 - 9:40 Grade 2 Fractions Math Activity
(supplies needed)

Led by District Math Coordinator Nancy Pavia:

This will introduce our 2nd graders to the concept of a fraction. The lesson will highlight that fractions must be equal parts of any given whole. Students will experience partitioning a variety of shapes into an equal number of parts.

9:40 - 10:20 Angela Stockman 3 of 3

Angela Stockman will lead students through an experience that combines making and writing.

She spent twelve years teaching elementary, middle, and high school writers in Western New York State before founding the WNY Young Writers’ Studio - a community of K-12 writers and teachers of writing - and stepping out of the classroom to become a professional learning facilitator.

10:20 - 10:50 SPECIAL

You will have your regularly scheduled Special. Please access your Special as you normally would.

11:00 - 11:30 CHOICE

These options have been gathered for you. No permission slip needed for these trips!