
March 16-18

Here are some resources you might use to make music while we are away from one another!

First, I've posted some songs we've sung to get you started. Below will be some activities you might try to do in the next three days. Stay tuned for more resources, activities, and videos as the days go by.

We All Sing with the Same Voice

Giraffes Can't Dance

The Animal Boogie

Activities to Try

March 16-18

High and Low Review

Watch this video as a review of HIGH and LOW sounds

High and Low Sounds, K.mp4

Activity Instructions

  • Find a three objects around your house that might make noise when you tap or scrape them.

  • Tap or scrape each object and see if the sound is high, medium, low, or can make all three kinds of sounds.

  • You might find musical instruments: can your instrument make only low sounds? Only high? All three kinds of sounds?

  • If you'd like, you can record what you find into the form below.

Another High and Low Video

Here are some of your responses to the High and Low Activity

High and Low Sounds: K (Responses)