Greenacres Music

Greenacres Music

Welcome to our music website for e-learning activities and resources! We all hope to be back in person sooner than later. In the meantime, we can connect virtually and still find joy making and exploring music.

In the following pages, you'll find activities and resources divided into grade level and also for chorus. In the event we are out of school longer than anticipated, more activities will be added. Activities are organized by cycle, with one activity to be completed per specials class and by extra resources that you can explore as you like at any time.

As always, please don't hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions or concerns: You may also find a link to this page on my teacher page.

Zoom Schedule

Hi everyone! Here is the complete Zoom schedule for some synchronous music time.

***Please note: NO ZOOMS on Wednesday, 6/10****

Please use the new links on Google Calendar and Classroom.

Here are guidelines from Ms. Torrey on how to access your Zoom Meetings.

K-5 Zoom Quick Reference Guide


K-1 iPad User Guide

2-5 iPad User Guide

K-1 Computer User Guide

2-5 Computer User Guide

K-1 Chromebook User Guide

2-5 Chromebook User Guide

Here's a link for a help desk ticket if the above is not working.


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade
