First Grade

Here are some resources you might use to make music while we are away from one another!

First, I've posted some songs we've sung to get you started. Below will be some activities you might try to do in the next three days. Stay tuned for more resources, activities, and videos as the days go by.

Mi Cuerpo Hace Música

Clap, Stomp, Sing, and Move Your Body!

This Pretty Planet

Get Ready for Earth Day!

Miss Mary Mack

You can try the handclap with someone in your house or make up a new one! You could even make up a rhythm pattern using your own hands, lap, floor, or other objects!

Activities to Try

The High / Low Water Jars Experiment

Make sure you talk to someone at home to help you set this up!

Answer some questions about your Experiment

First Grade Musical Jars (Responses)

To create your musical composition:

Feel free to experiment with the sounds and make it up as you go!

We have also been doing a lot of work composing using quarter notes and eighth notes. Feel free to use the same composition sheet you used for our movie and write 2 bars (measures) of music.

Magic Composition Worksheets