Fifth Grade

Head to this week's page and GOOGLE CLASSROOM for this week's activity!

March 23-27 (also find Google Classroom information here!)

Here are some resources you might use to make music while we are away from one another!

First, I've posted some songs we've sung and started learning to get you started. Below will be some activities you might try to do in the next three days. Stay tuned for more resources, activities, and videos as the days go by.

This Pretty Planet

Get Ready for Earth Day

Waka Waka

We'll be doing a 2-part Choral Arrangement This Spring!


Try to do at least one of these between Monday and Wednesday, March 13-16. Of course, you're welcome to do more!

Drum Circle

Watch the following clip of these students in the drum circle. See if you can figure out what the pattern is (who is playing when?) and echo it. Practice putting yourself in the circle. What pattern would you play?

Rap and Hip Hop History

Watch this Brain Pop video about the history of rap and hip hop. Complete the Quiz.

Hip Hop Basics

Complete this lesson: Give Me A Word - post your recording (or a written version of it) in the form below.

See your shared responses below! Nice work!!

Give Me a Word (Responses)

Just for fun!

Take a look at this clip from a REALLY OLD French Opera (the 1700s) that has been paired with Hip Hop Dance. It's so cool! How could you think about taking an art form from today that you really love and pairing it with something else to create something completely different?