Afterschool Enrichment

We are excited to offer some new programing at School's Out for the 2023-2024. Our Afterschool Enrichment programming will be registration based, in depth look at a variety of activities, from sports to cooking, robotics to arts, students will have opportunities to explore their interests and passions beyond what is capable in a single activity block.  

Meet the Enrichment Directors

Peter Taylor

Peter is excited about teaching students group games at School’s Out this year!. His goal is to teach the specific skills necessary for students to access and successfully play organized games. This is a great opportunity for students to be creative, and work in small groups with a teachers focused on games and sports. 

Education & Experience: Peter holds an undergraduate degree in economics and minor in theater from the University of Maine at Farmington. He has also completed the EMT-Basic program at MassBay Community College. He is currently completing the TAP program through Champlain College in Physical Education.  He was most recently the Physical Education and Health teacher at Gertrude Chamberlin School. Along with being at School’s Out, he is teaching Physical Education at Brewster Pierce Elementary in Huntington.

Background: Peter began playing sports in elementary school and was a member of the swimming, track and tennis teams in high school. In college, he worked as a referee for intramural sports. Peter scuba dives in his free time and has gone diving in Lake Champlain, around Hawaii, Cayman Brac, and Key West. 

Charlie Wise

Charlie is most excited about teaching students all about cooking at School’s Out this year!

Cooking builds skills such as leadership, self-confidence, creativity, teamwork, time management and problem solving. These transferable skills are essential for kids to become well-rounded people not just in school, but for the rest of their lives! Cooking is a fun way to spark curiosity about other broader topics such as food systems, chemistry, art and biology to name a few. 


Education & Experience: Charlie has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Central Florida.

He is an alumni of Champlain College's Teacher Apprenticeship Program. Most recently, Charlie was a Language Arts and Social Studies teacher and Cooking Camp counselor at St. Albans Town Educational Center. In the past Charlie has worked as a soccer coach, camp counselor, and special education paraprofessional.


Background: Charlie is married and has three children. When not changing diapers, Charlie keeps a large garden and chickens to keep his family well-supplied with vegetables, herbs, eggs, and flowers. In his spare time, Charlie enjoys Star Wars, debating World War II history with former students, reading science fiction and fantasy, cooking bread from scratch, playing soccer and volleyball, and hiking with his dog Piper.

Nicole Carpenter

Nicole is excited to join the Schools Out Team as the Yoga Enrichment Director.  She loves working with kids, teaching yoga and breathwork to people of all ages.  She works with Schools Out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays and with her private breathwork practice, The Breath and Balance, on Thursdays and Fridays.  Nicole has been practicing yoga for over 25 years and for the past 3 years started researching and teaching more breathwork or intentional breathing exercises.  Our breath connects to every system in our body and is a window into our nervous system and emotions.   Children are typically open to experimenting with their breath and their body in different poses.  Through yoga classes and enrichment activities kids will increase body awareness, develop good breathing habits and gain emotional and self-regulation skills. 

Education & Experience:  Nicole received her B.S in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  After working as an engineer, strategic planner, and manager for 25 years, in 2021, she switched her career focus to wellness.  Recently, she’s been teaching yoga and breathwork classes at various locations throughout Chittenden County including pre-K centers and the 4H program.  Nicole received her 500-hour yoga teacher training through Evolution Physical Therapy and Yoga U Online.  She received her Children’s certification through Yoga Ed.  Nicole is certified in the Buteyko Breathing Method, the Oxygen Advantage® Breathing technique, and pranayama (yoga breathwork).  

Background: Outside of work, Nicole is a gardener, hiker, runner, reader, and huge fan of almost anything outdoors and music related.

Nicole will be at each elementary school, rotating every two weeks.  For the winter and spring of 2024, Nicole will focus on these three topics: (1) How do you and animals breathe?, (2) Your breath and emotions, and (3) Discovering and working with your joints.