Menu Planning

A few notes for our Canoe Trip:

  • We will have some coolers, so each cook group can bring 1 gallon ziploc bag of food that needs to be refrigerated to eat on the first and last day. Refrigeration is not available on the three canoeing days.
  • Do not count on getting food at gas stations - bring lunch and snacks for Monday and Friday.


  • Eat some Protein at each meal
  • Pack all meals and snacks separately for each meal, each day.

• Squeeze Tubes are good for peanut butter, jelly, honey, spaghetti sauce.

• You can also get peanut butter in disposable plastic individual packets.

• Pre cut salami keeps you from having to use a knife.

• Salami and cheese WILL keep for a week in a zip lock bag and will not go bad.

• Butter can also be in a zip lock if needed and will not go bad.

• Bring a couple extra Power bars or Cliff bars etc.

• Think about food that won’t totally wreck your pots..

• Soup mix from Trader Joe’s is good: Fun noodle chicken soup mix, soup in cups, Marishon soups, Tasty bites (heavier, but really yummy – maybe for first couple of nights)

• Trader Joes also has Salami sticks, dried fruit, almond, cashew or other nut butters.

• Tri-County Produce has granola in bins, so you can get a small amount: 1/4 – 1/3 lb.

• Also you can make your own GORP: (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts): Salted peanuts, M&Ms, raisins, pistachios, almonds, cashews, dried fruit chunks.

• A favorite lunch: Rye Crisps, Mozzarella Cheese, a dab of pesto sauce from a squeeze tube – YUM!

For the health of your child and the safety of the group please consider nutrition.

Have some protein every day. Don’t bring a lot of candy. Your working body will need fuel!

Basic supplies to think of:

SPICES: Only if you want to go gourmet! Salt, pepper, garlic, chili, cinnamon, honey, butter or cooking oil (Make SURE they are packed in a leak-proofed container, like a plastic bottle or squeeze tube.)

BREAKFAST: Non-cook breakfasts are the best. That way the stove isn’t hot for packing.

healthy cereal (Take bag out of box.)

nut butter: peanut, almond, cashew


Dried fruit

Granola or Grape Nuts with powdered milk

Instant Breakfast mixed with powdered milk

G.O.R.P. (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts) - You can also add M&M’s, dried fruit, other nuts - the variations are endless!

Bagels (normal size or mini), cream cheese (will keep 3 days)

English muffins, raisin bread

Granola Bars, Tiger’s Milk Bars, Power Bars, Balance Bars, Clif Bars

Fresh fruit for the first day or two (heavy)

Tang, powdered lemonade

For when there’s time to cook:

Hot Chocolate (mixed with water, not milk, unless you bring powdered milk)

Instant oatmeal, instant Cream of Wheat (mixed with water)

Stir fried potatoes (need butter, ghee or oil, salt and pepper)


G.O.R.P. & M&M’s & Nuts

Fresh fruit (first day or two - heavy)

Fresh Veggies: Carrots. Celery sticks

Dried fruit or dried fruit mix, Applets, Cotlets Fruit Leather, Raisins, dried mango & almonds

Bars: Fig, apple or peach, Tiger’s Milk, Power, Balance or Cliff Bars

Nuts, Peanuts / M&Ms

Meats: Salami, Jerky

salami trail mix

cheese sticks

apple sauce


hard crackers


Snickers, Kudos

LUNCH: Non-cook lunches are required

Dried fruit (repackaged in a small zip-lock bag)

Cheese (String & mozzarella cheese keep well in a zip-lock bag for up to a week)

Dried Salami, Pepperoni or summer sausage


Bars: Granola Tiger’s Milk Bars, Power Bars, Balance Bars, Cliff Bars, fig, apricot or peach bars

Nuts - very good for energy!


Fresh, sliced, HARD veggies (carrots, celery, red bell pepper)

Crackers (Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Waverleys, Rye Crisps)

Bread for sandwiches (rolls and bagels don’t squash as easily)

Peanut butter, honey and jelly in squeeze tubes

Squeeze tube of pesto is nice with cheese and Rye Crisps


T Joe's Tasty Bite lentils & rice

noodle cups

chicken in a pouch

minute rice w/ veggies

freeze dried dinners

buttered rolls

pepperoni or salami

tuna in a pouch

Instant Mashed Potatoes

Ramen or lipton instant noodles, T Joe's Japanese noodle bowls

cheese Quesadillas




Mac & cheese


DINNER: You’ll be cooking dinner for yourself and a partner. It is your responsibility to cook enough for everyone to be full when finished eating your dinner. Make sure you serve something really filling and nutritious. Add some rolls, noodles, rice, fruit and /or dessert.

FIRST NIGHT: Only if you feel very gourmet! Steak, chicken, pork chops (suggest send frozen, will thaw). Anything else that can’t be unrefrigerated for long.


Top Ramen with cheese (plus rolls with butter and dessert)

Lipton Instant noodles (very easy, tasty and light weight)

Vegetable Stir Fry (cut up veggies at home)

Macaroni and Cheese (check for other needed ingredients like butter and powdered milk)

Wheat or Rice Pilaf, Cous-cous with vegetables

Rice, vegetables, cheese and nuts

Barley or lentils with cheese and veggies

Canned fish, chicken or tuna on noodles. Reminder- cans are heavy and must be carried with you until you get out of the wilderness!


Chili with cheese and rolls

Instant mashed potatoes

Lipton, Knorr, Miso, dehydrated soups

Dehydrated Veggies

Freeze dried food: Whits Warehouse has freeze dried food that only needed hot water added. Food can even cook in its own pouch. IT’S VERY EASY TO PREPARE, CLEAN UP AND IS VERY LIGHT WEIGHT. It is more expensive than some heavier choices but a good idea for last 2-3 nights of the trip as this food is very tasty and very lightweight.


fruit cobbler

hot apple crisp

fig Newtons

Rye crisp crackers

brownies from home

rice crispy treats

candy bars




powdered lemonade

powder Gatorade

Herbal tea - no caffeine

Carnation Hot Chocolate (mixes with water, not milk)

Hot Apple Cider mix (with water)

Hot Toddy (apple juice, water, cinnamon and lemon aide)

Sterno Beef or Chicken bullion cubes (good when you’re cold)