Environmental Seminars

During the trip we expect each cook pair to lead one environmental seminar and one group game/icebreaker. If you want to go above and beyond and teach us about something else (how to watercolor, the night sky, etc.), we would love it!

The Environmental Seminar

The environmental seminars are an opportunity for you and your partner to delve deeper and independently research an element of the ecosystem that interests you. You will research your topic of interest and prepare a 10-15 minute seminar that you will teach to the rest of the group ON THE TRIP.

Be aware that you will not have any computers or cell phones, so you'll need to have your notes prepared on paper that you can bring with you. Please tell Erin what your topic will be ASAP so that we can make sure it hasn't already been chosen by another group.

Potential topics include:

  • Local flora
  • Local fauna
  • Geology
  • Human/Native history - John Powell's exploration of the Colorado River or local tribes
  • The effects of a dam on a riparian ecosystem
  • The extremely rare amoeba in the hot springs
  • Hot Springs/Geothermal Activities
  • The Night Sky/Light Pollution
  • And so much more!!!

The Game/Ice Breaker

There are going to be lots of opportunities to play games and get to know each other better. Teach us all a new game that gets us to interact and have fun!