Vodcast 1.1

Textbook Reading:

Biology - Unity & Diversity:

  • Chapter 17

OpenStax Biology:

  • Chapter 18- Section 18.1 (whole section)

Supplemental Goodness

Paul Andersen explains how natural selection is a major mechanism in evolution. The video begins with a discussion of Charles Darwin and the details of natural selection. The data of the peppered moth during the industrial revolution is used to show the process of adaptation. Allele frequencies are calculated before and after the selection. The adaptation of cichlids in African lakes is also included.

Paul Andersen details examples of natural selection in the world. He starts by explaining how changes in global temperatures are causing plants to adapt. He explains how mutations cause changes in phenotype which give organisms varying levels of fitness. Two specific examples of natural selection; sickle cell disease and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis are also included.

Crash Course Biology #14: Hank guides us through the process of natural selection, the key mechanism of evolution.

Things you should make sure you understand:

(feel free to ask questions about them in class)

  • How the work of Charles Darwin was shaped by the contributions of other scientists from a variety of disciplines, and the events of his life.
  • How evolution suggests an ancient Earth, and common ancestry of all living things, and how these two thoughts are, in turn, supported by a wide variety of evidence.
  • Why evolution is still so controversial in certain parts of American society.