
Middle School Science Rubric

Summative Grading Rubric

To the left, is the rubric that is used to grade all summative projects in both 7th and 8th grade science. This rubric combines our traditional grading system with our standards based approach. In science, standards are broken into four areas, where the depth of knowledge and critical thinking skills are expanded upon in each area. Those areas are Content, Inquiry and Investigation, Engineering and Design, and Global Citizenship.

In the middle school, students are graded using a 75% summative and 25% formative approach. Summative work can be classified as quizzes, tests, projects, and labs. Formative work is class work, homework, and occasionally labs.

In science class, students have the ability to retake summative tests, however in order to do so they must correct their previous test and hand it in prior to the retake. The grade on the retake test is the grade they will receive. All summative projects will not have points taken off due to being late, however at the end of the trimester if a summative project is not turned in it does turn into a zero in the grade book. This policy is in place because a summative project is meant to assess student knowledge and application of content regardless if it is late or not.

Formative work will have points taken off for being late. If a formative assignment is turned in late 20% will be deducted from the grade on the assignment. Similar to summative assignments, at the end of the trimester if a formative assignment is not turned in it becomes a zero in the grade book.