
THIS IS OUR LAST UNIT ~ Congratulations!

Unit 8: Globalization Competency 3

 You should start with the Curriculum Guide, then go to the Google Slides, then the Video formatives 

All work should be submitted electronically.

Online assignments have a deadline and cannot be turned in late. Plan ahead

View Google Slides

Video with assignment:       NPR Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt (Formative 1-5_________)

Each Chapter of the video is a formative assignment - worksheet under the formative tab

Videos: - It is recommended that you watch all videos.

Choose one of the videos, (it is recommended that you watch all videos) write 3 sentences on the video

     (Formative 6 ______)


ONLINE What in the world is a trade organization? Answer questions on a Google Doc and share them with me.



Summative: The True Cost movie summative

We will watch the movie in class. It is also streaming for free on Tubi and Peacock  and YouTube (

We are looking at the high cost of fast fashion and its impact on the world.

See summative tab