
Watch the video: 

We the Economy: Lemonade War  

discuss the following in full and complete sentences. One word answers will not earn you credit.  Provide examples to support your answers.

1. Discuss government regulation in businesses.

2.  Why does government regulate business?

3. Who does government regulation benefit?

4. Who pays for government regulation?

5. What does government regulation look for?

6. What would happen if the government did not regulate business?

7. Name a situation when government didn't regulate business or industry. What happened? (think of your U.S. History)

We the Economy: Lemonade War

  Formative 6

Copy of Sweet Opportunities

Self Editing Checklist. Complete this for the summative BEFORE you turn the summative in. Formative 7

Copy of Self Editing Sheet

Online - Bankrolling Start-Ups; write a summary of one of the 4 choices discussed    Formative 3

Online - Start Your Own Business  interactive; write a summary of the 7 steps     Formative 4

Online Case Study Powder Pollution -       Formative 5