Economics Enr & Economics ENR MOWR  

Google Classroom: tnnbwvj                                     Class Google Meet:  

Google Form Syllabus sign off:    Google Form Syllabus Sign Off 

MOWR attendance Form:       MOWR ATTENDANCE FORM

MOWR Students - when you are not in the classroom please complete the attendance form. This needs to be done in the first 10 minutes of class. If you change locations please complete the form again. I must know where you are in the building. 

Remember to keep your CHAT open in case I need to contact you.

If you have questions you can come see me, or contact me through Chat or Email.

~Mrs. Ford

MOWR students - If you are not in the classroom please complete the attendance form within the first 10 minutes of class. 

Please include where you are and what you will be working on.

 You must wear your lanyard during class when not in the classroom.


Overview of Class Website.webm

Check out the screencast overview of the class website and Minimum pacing  guide.

Overview of Minimum Pacing Guide.webm

ARE YOU out of school for a period of time? 

You should keep up with your coursework while you are out. 

Follow along under the correct Unit tab, and follow the assigned curriculum. 

 If you have questions - just ask.  

Do you have a question or need to contact me?  Email me at

I will respond as soon as I can.

Online Textbook: Understanding Economics; available on CLEVER in the McGraw Hill red icon. You will need to be signed into your SAU54 account.

 How to access SMARTBOOK online assignments - Smartbook assignments are not the questions at the end of the section.

 1. Log into your textbook on Clever

2. Click on Assignments

3. Click on the current assigned assignment

4. Under the name of the assignment. teacher, and instructions you will see a blue tool box. Click on this blue tool box. This will bring you to a new page.

5. On the bottom right-hand side of the page, it will say "start assignments/questions" - Click this.

Watch this news clip on how a group of investors influenced the price of GameStop

PLAGIARISM - Don't do it

ALL work completed in this class is to be your own.

EX. Cutting and pasting from the internet and turning it in as your own is plagiarism 

 Ex. copying someone else's work and turning it in as your own is plagiarism 

 IWS is the consequence

Feeling stressed...try this video, it's only 6 minutes.  

The webpage below, NEBHE, has  many higher education resources for NH students. Go to the web page and click on "Tuition Break" and see the opportunities for lower tuitions in other states for NH residents.