Head Lice

Head lice is a common problem of childhood and has been with us since pre-history!  Lice is a nuisance but is not known to spread any disease.  Lice can be "shared" at school (especially by our littlest students) during direct contact (hugs, snuggles for story time, game-playing, secret-sharing, etc.) but it is also shared at outside of school events such as parties, activity clubs, sleep-overs, play-dates, etc.   I have provided some helpful videos and FAQs here!

Many parents ask, "Why doesn't the school notify families when there is a case of lice found in the classroom?"  Unfortunately, once a case of lice is found, it usually means it has been in the classroom for a month or longer.  Sending out notifications can lead to a loss of privacy and does not prevent any spread that may already have taken place.   Once a case is found, I work with the parent to be sure the child is treated and I ask them to notify close contacts- sleepovers, relatives, and frequent visitors to the home.  I also ask the teacher to be vigilant and refer any itchy students down to see me for a check. 

You may ask yourself, "If I don't know that my child was exposed to lice in school & the nurse isn't checking everyone in class, how can I find out if he or she has it too?"  I recommend you check your child regularly at home.  I have linked a helpful video below to show you how to do a lice check and what to look for.  After a bath or shower, during a braiding or styling session, or while watching a show together are great times to check.  An added bonus?- doing private checks at home helps your child avoid feelings of fear or embarrassment that sometimes come with checks at school.

"What if I hear through the grapevine that a child has lice and the parent isn't telling the school?"  While I encourage parents to reach out to me if they are treating their child for lice (especially if they have questions about what to use or do), I discourage people from calling me to "report" someone else's child.  If you are concerned that your child has lice or has been exposed through a friend, please watch the video above to learn about checking your own child.  If you need help to check your child, please let me know!

Please follow the links below for more information.  As always, reach out to me with questions or concerns at kutgard@sau52.org or 603-436-0910 ext 4552