Mass Enrollment

Calling all Elementary School admins! Here's how to enroll your students by class instead of individually.

Mass Enrollment

Elementary Schools Only

To enroll several students into a class:

  1. Pick Grade Level.
  2. Click Select Students by Hand.
  3. Uncheck all (using the checkbox at the top of the column).
  4. Click the checkboxes beside the appropriate student names.
  5. Click Update Selection.
  6. Click BESIDE the right side button and select Mass Enroll under Scheduling section.
  7. Click MASS ENROLL.
  8. Click the Filter By list and select the teacher of the class.
  9. Click Search.
  10. Click on the word Homeroom. (This will enroll students in all other classes for that teacher automatically.)
  11. Scroll to bottom.
  12. Click Enroll Students.