
Reading & Writing Websites

Brain Pop 

Glogster - Students will be making a Glogster with Mrs. Beaudoin during the first trimester.  Then they will be able to use this program to make their own posters.

Imagine It

Keyboarding Practice Games 

ReadnQuiz - Students can go on this website and take a comprehension quiz after they finish a book.   If you still can't get on at home, have your child bring in the book to school and I will help them take it at school.

Spelling City - This site has the spelling lists for each of the stories that we will be reading in the Imagine It site.

Switch Zoo - Build a Biome or Make New Animals - Students will use this site during the school year with me, as well as, during the third trimester as their special on Friday.

Parent Letter - Daily 5 - 2022