The Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL)
The St. Henry’s Catholic Women’s League was organized in 1960, with Fr. Tom Novak, OMI, as the first Spiritual Advisor. Our present Spiritual Advisor is Fr. Antoni Degutis, OMI.
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada was organized nationally June 17, 1920, granted federal incorporation December 12, 1923 and officially recognized by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) as a national private association of the faithful in 2005. We affiliated in 1921 with the International Union of Catholic Women’s Leagues, now titled World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO), a world-wide federation holding membership in the conference of International Catholic Organizations (ICO) and having consultative status with agencies of the United Nations. We are organized and pledged to serve with all citizens of goodwill.*
The Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “Our Lady of Good Counsel.”*
Motto: For God and Canada*
Mission Statement:
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.*
Crest, Corporate Seal & Flag:
The crest, as designed and adopted in 1922, is comprised of the cross, symbolic of faith, surmounting 10 maple leaves, symbolic of the provinces of Canada, with the words “THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE OF CANADA FOR GOD AND CANADA” enclosed in an unbroken circle, symbolic of constant service to God and Canada. The colours of the crest are blue, chosen for Our Lady and the papal colours, white and gold. The crest may be authentically reproduced and used with dignity and respect. Members may make written request to the national executive for authorization to reproduce the crest. The corporate seal conforms in design to that of the crest and is held in the custody of national office. The flag, adopted in 1990, is the permanent public symbol of the League.*
The Objects of the League:
The objects of the League shall be to unite Catholic women of Canada: to achieve individual and collective spiritual development, to promote the teachings of the Catholic church, to exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life, to protect the sanctity of human life, to enhance the role of women in church and society, to recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere, to uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world and to contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony.*
The policy of the League shall be: to have membership and operation based on the parish unit, with diocesan, provincial and national representational levels, to operate on a system of standing committees and to make the fullest possible use of these committees in the involvement of all members, to develop leadership qualities and provide training to enable members to take active roles in the affairs of their faith, community, and society and to maintain affiliation with the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations*
A Catholic woman 16 years of age or over may become a member, with voting privileges and with eligibility for office by election or appointment.*
* The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, Constitution & Bylaws 2006
More information may be obtained on the National CWL Website:
The National CWL Theme for 2013-2015:
“We have seen the Lord”
St. Henry’s CWL Council:
Our local St. Henry’s CWL Council at present has a membership of 55 members. Our meetings are held monthly from September to June at 7:00 p.m., subject to change of date, in order to accommodate special dates and parish needs. The meeting dates are announced in the parish bulletin. We invite all the women of our parish to join us the St. Henry’s CWL for fulfillment in spiritual growth, prayer, service, fellowship and fun. Our membership fee is $25.00 collected annually by the end of December.
Activities of Our St. Henry’s CWL Council:
- Spiritual development through prayer, reflection, retreats, World Day of Prayer, the Growing Faith Program, special Mass of Installation, special mass every month for the living and deceased members of the CWL, special prayer of remembrance for deceased members and the wearing and exchanging of the purple crosses during Lent as a reminder to pray for each other, to bear our own and one another’s cross.
- Organizational Development through regional meetings, workshops, conferences and Conventions.
- Funding for parish needs such as equipment, gifts for First Communion and Confirmation, books, bibles, supplies, etc.
- Donations to charities such as Pro- Life, Birth Right, Tel- Miracle, Teddies for Tragedies, Shelwin House, St. Peter’s Hospital, Catholic Health Association, etc., Scholarships, the Prodigal Son awards to local St. Henry students and support to St. Henry students wishing to attend the LA Religious Education Conference.
- Catering to funeral lunches, parish brunches, and special events for parish and community.
- Participate in activities for parish and school such as the Fall Supper and serving hot chocolate at the annual St. Henry’s School carol festival and service at other parish events.
- Liturgical Ministries such as Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters, Choir Members, May Devotions, and Stations of the Cross, Grotto Service and service at the Cemetery.
- Volunteers at St. Peter’s Chapel for Mass, Eucharist to the sick and the shut-ins at the hospital and the parish, weekly coffee group at the St. Paul Home, cards, prayers and visits with sick and shut- in members, Thrift Shop, Hospital Auxiliary and the Church Kiosk.
- Fund raising events such as The Harvest Lunch, Spring Tea and Bake Sale, raffles and Birth Right Brunch, etc.
- Fellowship and fun with special supper meetings, acknowledgment of member’s special birthdays and anniversaries with cards and Mass celebrated for the intentions of that member, Secret Sisters, special socials, health and educational speakers, games, draws, door prizes and lunch.