St. Henry's R.C. Parish
in the Archdiocese of Regina
Served since 1906 by
Missionary Oblates
of Mary Immaculate
729 Main Street, P.O. Box 100, Melville, SK S0A 2P0
Phone: 306-728-5702
Mass Schedule
Saturday (Sunday anticipated Mass) 5 pm
Sunday 10 am
Monday no Mass
Tuesday 9 am
Wednesday 10 am ( either at the chapel of Saint Paul's Lutheran Home or the chapel of Saint Peter's Hospital)
Thursday 9 am
Friday 7 pm
Friday Adoration 6.00 pm
Parish Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Pastor: Fr. Michal Pajak OMI
Father's cell no ---------------------------------------- 306-705 7772
Deacon --------- Dave Hudy ----------------------- 306-728-5525
Office ----- Arlene Osicki --------------------------- 306 728 5702
Caretaker ------ Gerard Osicki ------------------ 306-728-5702
Youth Ministry - Children's Liturgy Sayward Kohlenberg ---------------------------- 306 730 8754
Altar Servers - Sayward Kohlenberg --------- 306 730 8754
CWL --------------------Flo Parlee --------------------- 306 728 3968
Rosary Sodality ------Evelyn Schmeltzer-------306 728 4093
Knights of Columbus ----- Mark Molnar ----- 306 730 5971
Parish Pastoral Council -- Don Battiste ----- 403 467 7904
Parish Finance Council ---- Brain Hicke ----- 306 728 5948
Social Justice --------Dylon McCarthy----------306 607 7362
Music Ministry: ............................................. 306-728-5702
Sick & Shut-Ins Care --- Dc Dave Hudy ---- 306-728-5525
Upcoming Events
Grieving Support Program
Tuesdays, February 20 to March 29, 2024
St. Henry's Parish
Freewill offering
Optional Manual: $15.00
Facilitator: Virginia Battiste
For Info: Phone/Text: 403-797-7129
MEN'S HOLY LEAGUE - Invitation to all Men of the Parish
Men joining together to grow in our Catholic Faith and Holiness to be Catholic leaders of conviction in our homes, parish, community and nation.
1st Friday of Every Month at 8:00pm ~ starting March 1, 2024
Food & Fellowship at St. Henry's Parish
Contact Don: ph/txt 403-467-7904
Father Michal completes 20 years of service as a priest on Wednesday June 19. We will celebrate this milestone with a gathering after the Saturday evening Mass on June 22. Everyone is welcome!
Saint Philomena Walking Pilgrimage
August 11 to 14, 2024
Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Regina
for more information and to register visit: