Quest Stories

The Quest student perspective

Quest students share their perspective on the impact their year in Quest has on them. Below are some of our students from the past five years sharing part of their Quest journey before graduating SAS. Some of the most common threads shared among our students is how much they learned about themselves, appreciated the time to pursue their own passions, the friendships forged, the professional work experience and the time-management skills gained. We are glad to hear this is what they are finding most meaningful as these are some of the intended outcomes of a year spent in Quest.

JAY's Story

Quest Class of 2021

Jay participated in Quest during his senior year. In this video, Jay shares his experience pursuing his passion as an amateur filmmaker through his partnership and SDS year-long study.

Bri's Quest Capstone Video - Dear Future Quest Students.mp4

Bri's Story

Quest Class of 2021

Bri spent her senior year in Quest. She shares her overall experience with her partnership, the real-life work experience, and how it helped her get into her dream school. She talks about the field trips, the bond within the Quest community, and how her experience debunks some misconceptions about a year in Quest.

Zain's Story

Quest Class of 2022

Zain participated in Quest during his junior year. This video is a reflection of Zain's year in Quest in which he shares the two most impactful aspects of Quest for him: the partnership experience and the tight-knit relationships formed within the Quest community.

"I do not think I have ever really reflected on my growth and work as much as I have done in Quest. I know every year I learn new skills and improve in different areas, but to accept and be proud of myself of my growth is a skill that I have been learning throughout Quest. [The past month] pushed me past my limits and comfort zone. I accomplished tasks that if someone asked me at the beginning of the year I could do, I would have told them they are crazy. It is always hard to think about what you can actually complete, but then once you do, you realize it was not as bad as you thought."

Alessia Simmen, Class of 2020

Attending University of Washington

Quest student Rachel, SAS Class of 2018 said, "the best part is the capability of having personalized learning and being able to make your own curriculum...also being able to truly dive into the area of study that you really like and are interested in."

Rachel Kitzman, Class of 2018

Attending Liberty University, Virginia, USA

"Quest is unique because we are granted the ability to take control of our own learning. We invested time into our passions and established networks and connections with experts. Quest sets itself apart because no where else can you be at school and working with professionals at the same time. Quest reinforced the importance of time management and being self-motivated. Using these skills helped me work with NGOs committed to resolving the refugee crisis in Europe and with the Embassy of the European Union in Singapore. Working with these groups and organizations allowed me to set foot into the world we will inherit which has given me the chance to get a head start for adulthood."

Nigel Li, Class of 2017

Attending moscow state institute of

international relations, russia