Student Meals

Sanger ISD Meal Program

Sanger ISD is providing lunches / breakfasts throughout the district. Parents and students may pick up lunches at Clear Creek Intermediate from 10-noon each Tuesday or you can meet a bus at specific stops throughout the district. The district has been divided into four quadrants with five to six designated stops in each quadrant. At each designated stop, a school bus will park and serve lunches for a 15-minute time period. A map of the quadrants and the addresses of each designated stop is linked below.

In order to better serve our families, and in conjunction with limiting the exposure to COVID-19 risks for both community members and staff, we are serving meals ONE day a week. You will receive 5 lunches and 5 breakfasts for every student participating in the meal program.

If you miss a meal pick up in Sanger, there are others in our area. There is an interactive MealFinder Map which you can locate by clicking here. You can also text "FoodTX" or "COMIDA" to 877-877 to find a school near you that is serving healthy no cost meals to kids 18 and younger.