Community Partners

San Diegans For Justice

The problem: Members of our communities suffer life-threatening injuries or even death at the hands of police officers. The Police are policing themselves, and our communities do not trust the San Diego Police Department. There is no independent, trusted process for holding them accountable.

Too many San Diegans don’t have trust or confidence in the police department. And because of this, too many won’t call for help, too many won’t report crimes, and too many won’t speak up. This makes everyone less safe.

The commonsense solution: Establish a community-led independent Commission on Police Practices, created and controlled by the people, not politicians and not law enforcement.

I love a Clean San Diego

Our Mission

I Love A Clean San Diego leads and inspires our community to actively conserve and enhance the environment through example, outreach, and local involvement.

Our Vision

A zero waste, litter-free, and environmentally engaged San Diego region.

San Diego Housing Federation


We advocate for those with very low incomes who are most severely impacted by the absence of an adequate supply of affordable homes in the region.


We provide information to members, policymakers, and the community about affordable housing trends and initiatives.


We inform the public, media, and decision makers about the need for more safe, healthy and affordable homes in the region.


We offer networking opportunities to enable members to make new, and strengthen, existing connections.

Solutions Farms

After acquiring a former two-acre nursery property, Solutions undertook a major renovation that was facilitated by more than 3000 hours of volunteer support and more than $100,000 of in-kind donations. Old structures were removed, plumbing, electrical, and other essential infrastructure was installed, and in 10 weeks of remarkably intensive efforts, Solutions Farms was built. The farm opened with about 7,000 square feet of greenhouse space outfitted with fish tanks, grow beds, pumps and lights.

If that doesn’t sound like the equipment of a conventional farm, it’s because Solutions Farms is a bit different.

Solutions Farms is unique in many ways. It is a soilless, or aquaponics, farm, where nutrient-rich water from fish culture is used to nourish produce, which in turn purifies the water so it can be returned to the fish. Everything is done within the controlled environment of a greenhouse. We are currently one of the largest aquaponics facilities in the West.

The farm is also a laboratory for teaching important work values and preparing people for re-entry into the workforce. This is the social enterprise function; accomplishing a worthwhile social purpose while also being a functioning business. Solutions Farms raises hope, as well as produce.

While doing all this, the farm provides a source of locally-raised, certified organic produce that is being used by North County restaurants, juice bars and eager farmers market buyers.