Final Project Showcase

[Let's Make Sabara Happy]

Project Description

First of all I want to know you about "Sabara" it's not just a plant it's my friend and I don't like to ignore it so I decided to make a smart system to watering it each time it's not happy at, to "Make Sabara Happy".

I can communicate with Sabara using Moisture sensor to know the moisture of the soil.

What is the action I take from it?!! I made a face with variable eyes color so when it happy the eyes be Blue and make a smile face but when it sad the eyes be Red and make a sad face and make a noise using Buzzer.

To serve Sabara I put water tank to get the water from it and I put an alarm when the tank is empty the buzzer is be on to put more water on it. and put in it water pump to move water from the tank to Sabara.

Now we can know if Sabara happy or not by a simple components and we can make this process on any plant.

The minimum feature is make a manual and automatic watering system

The complete feature is put the float switch to know water level in the tank and make communication part (buzzers and Leds).

Project Shots

float switch to know the water level

Moisture sensor and water pipe

When Sabara happy

Sabara from right side

When Sabara sad

Sabara from back side

Sabara from left side

Project Demo Video

final project.mp4

Final Project Design Files