Week 1 - Journal

Sometimes in my science shows I use dangerous chemicals.

so I think it sounds fun to make the ultrasonic sensor sense any child who is trying to be close to me and alert them by saying or emitting light.

Tool Chain

software i used it to write the code of my

Ultrasonic sensor, there is a lot of sensors that we use to detect object but it's special because we can use it to measure how far is objects

By measuring the duration by which Ultrasonic waves hit object and bouncing back.

software to simulate my circuit and try it.

ATMega hardware arduino

Design/Preparation Process

ultrasonic has 4 pins So

  1. power so connect it to 5V

  2. cathode so i connected it to ground

  3. trig and echo connect it to 3,4 pins in arduino

servo motor has 3

  1. one pin for the volt and one GND

  2. the third connected to 2

The two lamps

one side to resistor and GND the other for arduino pins


Development/Implementation Process




Community of Learning

  • our friend mahmoud learnt us about the work idea of 7 segment and how we use it .

Overcoming Challenges

  • I have faced a problem in the code of ultrasonic sensor

I solved by searching

  • I didn't use the > in the math block and that made the code didn't work but after searching i changed it

Arduino file : ultrasonic code