This is when Daniel Hasselberg and Daniel Kummel told all the principals in Karlskrona muncipal about Our project.


390 students & 70 teachers

What affects our health?

Our work on environmental degradation and how it affects our health and local environment.

Take care of our oceans.

The Baltic Sea can be harmful to our health. In the middle of the pandemic, students and teachers at Sunnadalskolan in Karlskrona create methods and content for a new museum, Vrak.Wreck is a sister museum to the Marine Museum and will showcasethe Baltic Sea's cultural heritage. The experiences that come out of working at the school will be an important part of the new businessthat will start in Stockholm later this year.


Health for all ...

Today, our principal Jessica Berg visited and announced which 5 students would travel to Italy.

Expectations were high and the joy was great among the students. Some because they won, others for the sake of their friends...

Wonderful film

- we can see full international integration!


Christmas preparation

More presents and more of Christmas. Love it!

Today newspapers and radio came to interview the students who were chosen to go to Italy..

sydostran.se - Karlskronaelever i två unika utbytesprojekt

Daniel Kummel our principal Jessica Berg and the students Davit, Karrar, Ragad and Nora

blt.se - Klartecken för stora projekt – ”vi är mycket stolta”