Arts, Media, and Entertainment

Welcome to the Arts, Media, and Entertainment Showcase. Projects are arranged by date of submission.

To open a larger version of the students' projects, click on the title of the work.

90 Day Fiancé: The Dead Life

Hailey Durham, Soledad High School, Film and Broadcast

A zombie love documentary featuring the apocalypse's favorite heartthrob, Bud the Stud, on his gory-good journey to love. 

Submitted: 2/21/2024

The Creation of SpideyPool

Sheyla Hernandez-Garcia, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Parody art is something that we learned in class. With the new skills I have learned I was able to photoshop both Deadpool and Spiderman into the Creation of Adam painting by Michelangelo. 

Submitted: 3/04/2024

Endangered Species Poster

Sheyla Hernandez-Garcia, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

I created this piece of art through a summer class to take Graphic Design my senior year. Throughout the class we learned the 7 elements of arts and had to use them to create a poster to bring awareness on an endangered species. Using the elements I was able to create this beautiful Blue-Throated Macaw a bird of the same family from the movie Rio. 

Submitted: 3/04/2024

The Building Blocks of Life

Nikita Seliverstov-Tomrachev , Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

This was part of an assignment to capture six techniques commonly used in photography, that being: color, texture, value, shape, line, and space. There was no specific theme, so I chose to photograph plants, specifically trees, with the exception of a flower. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Identity Collage

Mary "Star" Navaro , Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

I chose to present my "Identity Collage Project" as not only it is my favorite project that I created but it is also my favorite as it showcases who I am as a person. My collage presents the people in my life who helped me shaped who I am as a person today, it also portrays activities that I enjoy doing and my interests in life. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Identity Collage

Kimora Limas , Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

My project is basically presenting my emotions and identity how I present myself as images. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Photographing the Elements

Naomi Mexicano,  Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

This project is about the different types of elements that a photographer can capture and how important these elements are, it shows the different value of each photograph. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Portraits with Light

Octavio Munoz & Brice S., Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

Two labs we did taking portraits with different angles/ light angles. This was one of the projects I had the most fun with learned a lot in and sparked my interest to pick up a camera and photograph things I love. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Creation of my Name

Mathias Kibler, Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

This artwork represents a compilation of everything dear to me, reflecting my essence within my name. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Identity Collage

Kaylean Mina, Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

My identity collage shows the difference in cultures for me. I am mixed asian since my parents are from the Philippines and the Fiji Islands. The cultural differences was always a challenge but I learned to appreciate and understand both cultures. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Photographing Elements

Jose Ruiz Alvarado, Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

Through my photography,  I show appreciation for the campus we have here at Seaside High School. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024

Identity Collage

Jayden Valero, Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media & Technology

The art work I have linked is my identity collage. It contains all the things that describe me as a person in one collage. I used my digital media skills to merge all the images together. 

Submitted: 3/14/2024


Efraim Macias Reyes, North Salinas High School, Digital Art

My piece of art is Spiderman 2099 with a shiesty mask instead of the Spiderman mask. I used the pen tool and eye dropper tool in adobe illustrator to create my piece of art. I combined two cartoon characters to make the art possible. I used a characters head from the show boondocks to do the art. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Akatsuki Pikachu

Shane Taylor, North Salinas High School, Digital Art

The piece that I created was Pikachu wearing an Akatsuki robe with a Sharingan. I used the pen tool to make the lines precise and I used the eyedropper tool to make the colors accurate. I made this piece was because Pokémon and Naruto were my interests at the time I was making this so I chose to blend those two. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Monarch & Poppy

Lynx Kelly, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

The Sidewalk Art Contest in Salinas invited students to create art using 1-3 colors, reflecting local culture. I opted for a monarch butterfly and California poppy, sketching the image on paper, then taking a picture, tracing, and coloring it with the ibisPaint app. The 3 colors I used are orange, white, and black, with grey as contrast/sidewalk. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Name Art

Omar, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

The work I worked and presented is my name. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024


Jose Luis Rodriguez, North Salinas High School, Digital Art

"Growth" is a poignant visual exploration of mental health journey, drawing a parallel to the organic process of a plant's growth. Delicately crafted, it captures the intricate intertwining of roots, symbolizing the foundation of one's mental well-being. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024


Takashi Terada, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

In my life, I've witnessed frequent struggles with suicidal thoughts. It's too common, especially among the young. I've felt fear, anger, frustration—fighting to escape darkness, only to be pulled back. To convey this, I drew a person fleeing a tree, ensnared by its roots. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Mens Haircuts Mental Health

Marco, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

My poster is about how haircuts affect men's confidence. Inspired by my barber, Bladi Blendz, who always makes me feel fresh, I created this using images of haircuts and barber poles. With Adobe Illustrator, I played with colors and text, putting in hours of work. I hope this poster helps guys feel better about their haircuts. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Women Speak Through Soundsuits

Rocio Ramirez, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Soundsuits are activism and this soundsuit is dedicated to all the women that have lost their bodily autonomy. All objects in the soundsuit are a part of women's reproductive health that we are currently fighting for. This soundsuit serves as a voices to show the beauty of women while showing what we are fighting for. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Papel Picado

Rigo Lopez, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I made this work for the city of Salinas, it was an art contest and my theme for the contest was Papel Picado. It's commonly used at parties and it's Mexican tradition. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Winter Coat Drive

Jennifer Hernandez, Lilliana Melgoza, Rocio Ramirez, Ashley Lopez, Rebecca Rivera, Jose Luis Rodriguez ,Isaac Santos, Daniel Bautista,Yamile Mendoza,Alma Ortiz , North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Our team led a winter coat drive. Beginning with a brainstorming session, each member contributed unique perspectives, crystallizing our vision. We crafted eye-catching posters, strategically disseminating our message throughout the school. Our school community generously donated around 100 jackets. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Eagle using Shapes

Andrew, North Salinas High School, Digital Art

On this assignment I used triangles and many other shapes to make it look like a eagle I used a program to complete this assignment. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024


Asialyn Valverde, North Salinas High School, Digital Art

What inspired my artwork is that this is how it feels for some people and myself included feel with mental health. We feel trapped in a well, stuck in a water or tar like substance. Feeling like its to hard to get out reach for help we need. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Cartman Mashup

Jose Mejia, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This is a mashup of Cartman from the show South Park and Stewie from Family Guy. I used Cartman as the base and later gave him Stewies eyes from an episode in which Stewie drank some monster which caused his eyes to look big. All of these components together created this Cartman Mashup. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Burning Sunset

Trevon Kubulan, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

The art that I made, I took inspiration from a sunset being blanked over a forest of trees. I made this art because I love sunsets and it brings peace and calmness. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Scary Goblin

Bladi, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I made this monster originally by sketching it out on paper first. I created this using illustrator. I made this as a final project for my class. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Low Angle Photography

Elijah De Guzman, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This piece of artwork is showing a figure or character looking over a vast plane or piece of land. The low angle of the picture is showing that the figure has power and that they are an important part of the setting or plot of the picture, it’s showing the main focus being how the person is looking over something. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Dream Hand

Dakota Schroeder, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I made my poster for AIM and its about being in a dark place but pushing through to your dreams.

Submitted: 3/20/2024


Alex Diaz, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I created a Giraffe made up of Geometric shapes like triangles, rectangles, and circles. I made this because I really like them and they are cool. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Social Media Promotion

Sean Nimuan & Angel Gonzalez Garcia, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

My Social Media Promotion was based on helping the brand named Santa Cruz Community Credit Union.  My partner and I explained how out plans shall benefit the company by our brilliant ideas such as hoodie giveaways and smart marketing techniques from our personal knowledge.  Without our extemporization, our Social Media Promotion would be deft. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Monochromatic Landscape

Andrea, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This project took me a while to get right. It was inspired by a picture taken during a time in my life where it meant a lot at the moment. My  plan was to go with a color that symbolizes creativity, femininity, and spirituality and which is my favorite color. I'm really glad how it came out because I indeed did put a lot of time into it. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Passion Project

Kailani Batistiana, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This is my passion project that I've been developing for my graphic design class. It's a personal artbook of my own characters that I've made up or are from existing media, like video games or shows. I was inspired by the creative processes of artists that worked behind video games such as Splatoon. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Social Media - Business Campaign

Jasmin Saldana, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

I spearheaded a dynamic social media campaign for SCCCU MoneyEdu, blending creativity with data-driven strategies to amplify brand presence. Crafting engaging content, managing platforms, and leveraging analytics. My cohesive branding, highlighted by the captivating logo, drove visibility, engagement, and ultimately, business growth. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Narcan Saves

Julian Aldape, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

NARCAN SAVES is a beacon of drug safety and abuse awareness, advocating for the universal accessibility of naloxone (Narcan). Empowering individuals to take steps towards harm reduction by promoting the promotion Narcan in every household and encouraging its carrying as a life-saving necessity. We strive to foster a culture of preparedness. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Passion Project

Kenya Carranza, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This project came to be in my graphic design class. This project was about doing something you've never done before but would still grow passion for it. And for me that would be clay sculpting. I have decided to make my clay sculptures creepy or horror themed and would also paint them when satisfied with the outcome of the design.  

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Manifest Clothing Brand

Angel Gonzalez, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

I started my clothing brand journey when I took a summer class for Graphic design. I wanted to get better at designing because at the beginning I had no idea where to start. But my wonderful teacher Mrs Ghastin guided me to my passion. 

Submitted: 03/20/2024

Crochet Discovery

Lucas Quezada-Munoz, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This is my Passion Project for this year! Planned out from the beginning, from materials to design goals. Each design is guided by my imagination. This Project is currently in progress and will continue to progress! Join me in this colorful journey! 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Santa Cruz Community Credit Union Contest

Michelle Morales & Alondra Reyes, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This was a contest that we were assigned; we had to research and create a new logo and advertising campaign. It was for a new program at SCCCU called Money EDU which is a free online financial wellness center. We created social media posts, estimation of interaction with the program, and promotional items, videos, and events. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

And a little pizzazz

Victor Gray, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

The art depicts a rotting woman in a tattered dress, holding a thurible that emits green smoke that resembles faces. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Passion Project

Alondra Reyes Ayala, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This is my passion project that I am doing for my Graphic Design class. Each step required its own research to be done, from what I was planning to do, to how much it would cost to buy the equipment needed. I decided to choose Photography as my passion project because I have always like taking pictures and capturing the beauty of life and nature. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

 Blast from the Past Movie Poster

H. Alejandro Calderon Castro, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This is my Movie Poster. My Main Inspiration was Back To The Future. I used photoshop to put myself in and did the same to the title . Also, I added four stars representing my studio logo Pegasus, the Pg-13 logo, and the tagline "It will be a Blast". I used photoshop to make this and it was really fun. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Credit Union Commercial

Nathan Luong, Brianna Benitez & Liliana Zavaleta, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This video was created with the intention of promoting a credit union to those who wish to learn about finances. Our team created this with cinematography and edited the clips through Final Cut Pro. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Digital Self Portrait

Quentin Richardson, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

My Reimagined Self Portrait is a more detailed version of my original self portrait. In the intro class, art in the digital age, we were asked to vectorize ourselves. Now, in graphic design, we were tasked to make another vectorized self portrait to see how far we've come in our graphic design skills. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Bill from Gravity Falls

Marcos Matus, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This image was created in Adobe Illustrator to show the different types of forms and shadows of colors. As you can see that Bill is in a 3d effect which I chose on the app application; I would like you individuals to notice the bright yellow on the left and the golden yellow on the right. This was focusing on forms and shadows. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Endangered Animals Poster

Marcos Matus, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This butterfly represents how many Monarch Butterflies are left in the world. The assignment had contained research about the butterflies like what they eat, where they are populated, and more. I would like to point out the small details on the wings and the different color variations of the butterfly as well! 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Self Portrait 2.0

Emily Lopez, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This art project was done at the beginning of the year to see how we improved from the last time we did. I was really proud of this portrait because it showed how much I learned and how I improved.

Submitted: 3/20/2024

SCCCU MoneyEdu Logo

H. Alejandro Calderon Castro, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

The new campaign logo for SCCCU Money Edu features a blue whale with a top hat, symbolizing strength, reliability, and prosperity. The whale is adorned with the initials SCCCU emphasizing prudent financial management and long-term savings. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Rainbow Connections Logo

Liliana Zavaleta, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This logo was made for Rainbow Connections Project whose goal was to promote a safe and welcoming environment for members of the LGBTQ+ who require quality mental health services. I wanted to show my support for members of the community through this design which best represents and embodies this projects intended goals. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024


Kevin Huerta, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Its a car getting washed with some nice lights.

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Purple Haze Maze

Omar Vega, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Crafted with meticulous precision in Adobe Illustrator, my mandola resonates with a vibrant symphony of purple, blue, and pink hues. Each stroke embodies the harmony of creativity and craftsmanship, inviting viewers into a world where imagination dances freely. It's a testament to the fusion of artistry and digital mastery. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024


Karlo Rivera, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Its a lot of big buildings with a lot of people and a red sky.

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Spectrum Fusion

Jesus, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Crafted in Adobe Illustrator, "Spectrum Fusion" blends precision pen tool work with geometric shapes. A diverse color palette infuses vibrancy and vitality. Bold tones contrast with subtle gradients, creating a dynamic visual experience that invites exploration of intricate details. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Peter Simpson

Elvis Martinez Sosa, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

In "Peter Simpson," I blend Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson into a singular entity, exploring comedic absurdity and familial chaos. This mashup celebrates pop culture icons, blurring boundaries and inviting reflection on themes like family dynamics and societal satire, aiming to entertain, provoke laughter, and inspire creativity. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

Angry Bird

Gael Saldana, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Bomb, the Angry Bird, is a fiery force to be reckoned with in the avian realm. Standing out amongst his feathered companions with his round, stout physique, Bomb emanates an aura of intense determination and explosive power. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

One Piece Luffy

Raudel Jaquez, North Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I wanted to draw something anime so I drew Luffy. 

Submitted: 3/20/2024

The Island

Cesar Linares, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

The artistic technique employed here is isometric, presenting a  of a floating island in the sky with no clouds around in sight but the blue summer sky with the waterfall coming down from it. 

Submitted: 3/21/2024

Go Vikings Motion Graphic

Nathan Luong, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

As a small group of people who were commissioned to make videos for North Salinas's sports field display, this motion graphic video was one many that are used during North Salinas High School's home games in sports such as soccer and field hockey. 

Submitted: 3/21/2024

The Magic Trick

Nathaniel Ignacio, Soledad High School, Graphic Design

This mesmerizing video clip shows a magician an enchantment magic trick display. The mysterious magician appears at the center waves his wand and a magical rabbit appears out of thin air. This is an extraordinary performance and leaves the audience eager for more. This showcases the allure of magic.  I hope to be a cartoonist one day. 

Submitted: 3/22/2024

Marketing Pitch

Nathan Luong & Brianna Benitez, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This 15-minute pitch was used to propose a marketing campaign for Santa Cruz Community Credit Union's MoneyEdu. From Instagram logistics to creating an attractive design, we describe what we did and why we did certain things for the campaign's outcome. 

Submitted: 3/22/2024


Elliott Damery, Carmel High School, Photography 1

I've realized how this picture could be used to send a message to let viewers know that recycling is important as many people never pay attention to the recycling bins. This photo was taken through a hold in a piece of black cardboard to divert the light and put all the focus onto the blue bin. First used as a part of a project in photography class.

Submitted: 3/26/2024

A Sunny Christmas

Maddox Zarazua, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This was a picture I took for the Rotary club down in the valley. They were hosting the annual Santa Fly in event where everyone in Carmel gathers around to see Santa land in in the valley in his helicopter with Mrs. Clause. All the kids and adults are happy to see him and then proceed to greet him and Mrs. Clause when he starts walking around! 

Submitted: 3/26/2024

Big Sur

Sarah Capote, Carmel High School, Photography 1

A photo capturing golden hour as the sun inches closer to setting. The sun reflects its golden light on the beautiful Big Sur coast line. 

Submitted: 3/26/2024

Paranormal Party

Sophia Kemmerly, Carmel High School, AP Art 2D Design

I created this piece for my AP art portfolio where I explore the physiological effects of aging. In my work, I depicted my 16th birthday party where the candle smoke resembles an aged figure of myself. Rather than celebrating my maturity, I find myself caught up in the fear of aging and losing my youth.  

Submitted: 3/26/2024

Mental Health

Oscar Weigel, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This poster depicts the mental health struggles many young adults face. 

Submitted: 3/26/2024

Your Vote Is Your Voice

JuanManuel Garcia, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This is a piece I worked on in graphic design 5. I have had a lot of fun in this class and look forward to making more memories. 

Submitted: 3/26/2024

Your Voice Your Choice

Sienna Farfan, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

I have created this design for the CA League of Women’s Voters. I have created this piece for teens and young adults to have the inspiration to vote. I love bold colors and enjoy the style most graphic novel have, so I use that as my main influence when creating the design. 

Submitted: 3/26/2024


Nathan Savoie, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

Visions was the band I played in during our schools band festival. We played a series of songs, each with a saxophone solo. One of those songs was Money by Pink Floyd, which prompted me to make the sax stuffed with money. A majority of the band was seniors, so this image to me is a way to remember the seniors as they leave for college. 

Submitted: 3/26/2024

California Coast

Nyla Stoney, Carmel High School, Photography 1

A lovely image captured at the big sur coast.

Submitted: 3/27/2024


Gregory Alcocer, Gonzales High School, Digital Art 2

Kirby is riding on his Warp Star trying to escape Galeem because Galeem wants to destroy Kirby since Kirby is the only one in Galeem's way preventing it from destroying the world. 

Submitted: 3/27/2024

Jack's Photos

Jack Bell, Carmel High School, Photography 1

These photographs show the unique animals home to the Monterey County area. From the biggest birds to the smallest slugs, there is always something to photograph. All photos were taken with a Sonya6700 camera. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

River Globe

Azucena Salinas Martinez, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This photograph was taken as part of a class project where I attempt to capture subjects from a new or different perspective. I tried to experiment with perspectives and angles for this. Looking into this crystal ball felt as if I was looking into a snow globe

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Sun Bum Fun

Erin Ikemiya, Carmel High School, Photography 1

As residents of such a beautiful area, I think we tend to take our home for granted. While most find joy with the devices at our fingertips, I wanted to capture the joy that we can also find on the beaches that we grew up on. Being able to connect with your inner child, in the place that you love, is one of the greatest joys of all. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

The Colorful Sunset

Stella Bode, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This piece of work really captures the beautiful colors in the sunset. The sun reflects its brightness down on the ocean which creates a sense of darkness on the rocks.  

Submitted: 4/02/2024


Bodhi Melton, Carmel High School, Photography 1

I attempted to achieve a specific aesthetic with a beautiful and scared temple and my personal favorite natural landscape of a waterfall. I put these two pieces together to create a vibrant and appealing to the eye piece of artwork. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Sunset on Half Dome

Tristian Henderson, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This image captures the famous mountain of Half Dome right before the sun is about to set in Yosemite. It shows the beautiful colors in the sky, while reflecting the sunlight on the mountain. The clouds also add a nice touch to the image as it fills some of the blank space in the sky.

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Lights of the Mall

Nicholas Tonini, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This photo captures the sunset at Del Monte Shopping Center on a chilly December night. The trees of Del Monte Forrest cover the yellow of the sunset to make a beautiful shadow at the back end of the mall. The arches on the right side of the mall show repetition. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Draping Angles

Erin Ikemiya, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This is a collaboration with the photography and dance class at my school. I was lucky enough to work with incredibly talented dancers that have years of experience. I really wanted to focus on the shift of balance as well as overlapping materials and the angles of the dancers movements. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024


Ember Franklin Brunton, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This was taken at noon in Death Valley, when the light was perfectly hitting a prism in the kitchen and casting rainbows and light on the metal pots. I really like this photo because I think its really simple, its just a kitchen with light, but its very pretty. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Blue Porsche

Parker Guzowski, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This photo was taken at a Porsche event in Monterey. This is one of my favorite shots from the event because of the reflection of the flag on the hood of the car. It took me a few times to get this shot perfect. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Local Sunsets

Carson Bates, Carmel High School, Photography 1

These photographs portray the local area of Monterey and how beautiful the landscapes are. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Saint Bernadette

Fiona Heilig, Carmel High School, AP 2D

This photo was taken on a Nikon FE2 film camera with Ilford Delta 400 speed film at the wedding of a close friend. I was compelled to take the photo because at the time, a tragedy had occurred in the family and it felt to me that Saint Bernadette was present and she was protecting the family on this important day. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Mad Raen

Fiona Heilig, Carmel High School, AP 2D

This is a silly photo of my friend Maddie right before we went out surfing. I love the way the light gave her a little halo and the photo is tied to a very happy memory and brings me joy. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Taylor Swift

Kate Blakely, Carmel High School, Design 1

This is an image of Taylor Swift created using the song lyrics from cowboy like me from her album evermore. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Western End

Marc Kalman Zulik, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This photo of the rugged Big Sur coastline, battered by a winter storm, epitomizes the raw beauty of the Pacific Highway's coastal landscape. The immense cliffs reach down toward the waters, painting a vivid picture of nature's fierce yet extraordinary qualities. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Kylian Mbappe

Gabrielle Rebboah, Carmel High School, Graphic Design 1

This project is of #10 Kylian Mbappe who is a French professional footballer who plays as the forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captains the France national team.

Submitted: 4/02/2024

El Pescadero, Baja Mexico

Jaya Champagne, Carmel High School, Photography 1

As I looked out upon my last sunset in Baja during my trip in January, I felt as though I could get lost in the colors forever. Feeling loved with my family and friends standing beside me, I took a step back to capture the moment. I always look back on this photograph to remember the beauty held just before the night sky in this magical place. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Geometric Monkey

Tallinn Loberg, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This is an accurate representation of nature in its truest and purest form. The true geometric and raw representation that is seen through this image explains the animalistic nature of this monkey.

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Mysterious Lady

Andrew Alvarado-Cardenas, Carmel high School, Graphic Design

This design is a drawing that I drew of a lady that was staring into the abyss. I thought that it would look great to draw her because it reminded me a little bit of the Mona Lisa.  

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Empty Bowl

Edgar Cabrera, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This poster portrays the information necessary to understand the aspects of the Empty Bowls event as well as the dates. The design is simple and easy to understand. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Trash Panda

Norah Strawser, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This work is a geometric artwork based on a raccoon. I used the colors, shades, and lighting of the base picture to create geometric shapes, and then it all came together and created the final picture of a raccoon. It is titled "Trash Panda" because this is a cute and frequent nickname for raccoons

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Polygon Pig

Claire Bonynge, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This is a geometric artwork of a pig. I wanted to capture the image of an animal with simpler shapes in order to create appreciation for the animal and its unique figure. This is made up of vector graphics using photoshop by adobe for my graphic design project. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024


Leah Sibley, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

Flamingos are tall majestic animals colored with bright shades of pink. This piece was created to highlight the simplistic shapes that can make up a flamingo while also showing their complex colors. The piece was made using Adobe Photoshop. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Train to the City

Jaya Champagne, Carmel High School, Photography 1

I decided to take my camera to New York because I had such high expectations of the photos that would turn out from the trip. Street photography ended up being way harder than  I thought and even though I captured some photos I personally like, this image before the city ended up being my favorite of the whole trip. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Polygonal Pond Dweller

Leah Sibley, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

This piece is a picture of a gorgeous turtle turned into geometric shapes. It was created to demonstrate how a picture can be simplified into shapes and still keep its beauty. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

Geometric Donkey

Tyler Towle-Santoro, Carmel High School, Graphic Design

Donkey made from shapes filled separated by the donkey's colors then re colored using the colors the donkey is sorted by. 

Submitted: 4/02/2024

VW Warehouse

Jaya Champagne, Carmel High School, Photography 1

As I was going on a walk in Pacific Grove down to the water, I saw an old warehouse. It's owned by one of my family friends who works on old VW vechiles. I think its so important for people to see beauty in old things as he does. I took this shot to remind people to stop for moments and see beauty in rusty warehouses or old treasures. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024

Shower Head

Jaya Champagne, Carmel High School, Photography 1

When I was in San Francisco at a museum, they had some funky outdoor sculptures. The wonky shapes caught my eye and inspired by all the art I had earlier seen, I decided to get my friend to stand under the sculpture as I took some shots. I love interactive art so the person who should get credit for this is the artist of the sculptures.  

Submitted: 4/03/2024

Just Beachy

Kayla Higson, Carmel High School, Photography 1

This candid photo was taken at River Beach. The people in the photo were walking down the beach and I thought it would make a cute picture. I think it shows the love they have for each other as a group of friends or family. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024

AIM Poster

Michael Bradley, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I made this art for an aim poster contest in my art class. I got the inspiration for this project by wanting to help with children and young adults mental health. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024

Absolute Noir Poster

Jenna Spratt, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This poster followed the creation of a short Noir Film in which the class was asked to pull from common tropes in the genre. This poster promotes said film. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024

Aim Poster 1

Jenna Spratt, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This poster is a submission to the AIM Youth Mental Health Poster Contest 2024. Its simplistic style and bold lettering hope to draw the viewers eye among maximalist posters. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024

Aim Poster 6

Jenna Spratt, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This is a submission to the AIM Youth Mental Health Poster Contest 2024. The poster try's to not overload the viewer with information and instead gives them a simple understanding of the organization. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024


Tiana Castro, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

An old storyboard that I made for my creative writing club to give an example of the story and tone that I was going for with my first draft of my story on with my characters as the video use their first draft of their designs and personality. Although it's not my current story with them am pretty proud of it as I was able to finish it in a week. 

Submitted: 4/03/2024

Red on Red

Bella Tanguay, Carmel High School, Photography 1

In this photograph I was working with one of my friends who dances at CHS, and we were working together to try and take some photos that express her within doing the things she loves. she has gorgeous red hair and she had this red dress on, and it work so well with her light complexion. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024


Duke Smith, Carmel High School, Photography 1

One of the many ways in which students express their creativity and artistic interests is through dance. For many, dance serves as their sole creative outlet during school, and when combined with photography or videography, can be expressed to the rest of the world through that other medium. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

AIM Poster

Dylan Landa, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

The goal for this project was to make a poster about Mental health. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024


Phoebe Caine, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

A multicolored ferret on a long rectangular background surrounded by colored circles with some basic shading. It was created as an entry for the Safe Walk Home contest and uses the color pallet required by the medium it would be printed out on on the sidewalk.

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Hold Them Accountable

Colin McAfee, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This work is meant to highlight how large oil companies have shifted the blame of climate change and pollution from the companies that are responsible to individuals who have very little effect on climate change compared to these large corporations. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

David and Geometry

Quinn Weisenfeld, Carmel High School, AP 2D Art

“David and Goliath” is a watercolor painting which represents the underlying geometry and basic shapes behind art. By breaking down the work of Michelangelo, I try to reveal the composition and abstract substance of what we consider to be beautiful. The piece is a combination of both the technical and creative skills of art I have learned. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Safe Walk Shark

Diego Avila, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

The primary aim of this project is to ensure safe walking routes for children as they make their way home from school. By adding our artwork to the sidewalks, we hope to make the journey more enjoyable for children. My artwork of a digital shark utilizes vibrant colors and dynamic imagery to help students feel happy and safe on their walk home. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Pinkie Pie Rainbow

Summer Landis, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Pinkie Pie changing colors through Photoshop Animation. This cartoon has been my favorite since I was a little girl and I am happy that I can incorporate this into my schoolwork. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Carnival - KB Nuno Highlight

Daniel Nuno, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

My name is Daniel I am in art in the digital age. I created this Fortnite video by using premier pro, in this video I showcase my skills for the game Fortnite by adding effects matched up with the song in the video. I have been editing Fortnite videos for over 6 years and have been practicing by making new videos on my Youtube - KBNUNO. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

The Turtle

Joel Rodriguez, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This turtle was made in 3rd period using adobe illustrator. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

AIM Poster

Jaden Cruz, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This poster is a submission to a poster contest run by a mental health organization specializing in youth mental health. The image features a face looking at the camera with various filters tp symbolize the chaos that some have in their heads. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Nightmare Hall

Paris Mendez, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

I developed a video game as a passion project playable on all devices, including VR. Players enter a military base overrun by aliens, engaging in intense first-person shooter gameplay to defend against the alien threat. With realistic graphics and immersive storytelling. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Western Robot

Drew Lyke, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This artwork is titled "Western Robot". It was inspired by Salinas High Cowboys, and how technology in our modern world is evolving for good. This piece combines those aspects, and uses bright western colors along with sleek futuristic colors to create an amazing work of art. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024


Dylan Elsaesser, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This is a live paint of a professional surfer getting barreled. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Foal 2024

Elena Gomez, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

I made a low poly portrait of a foal. A foal is a baby horse. The flowers represent dandelions. I wanted to make something that might make others happy.

Submitted: 4/04/2024

AIM Mental Health

Joshua Mendoza, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This is a digital illustration of an AIM Mental Health poster. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Big Trouble Peppino

Diego Ramos-Sosa, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Eddy Tries to Cheer up Italian Chef Peppino Spaghetti, but Eddy's ways of making him happy are less than ideal. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024


Adriana Arias, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

The excitement of seeing the best part of the rodeo. Grown men taking bulls down that are double there weight. Showing there strength and dedication for there sport. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024


Asher Banks, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This work was inspired by the fact that I live in the Toro Park area and the fact that the bull is an icon in the many cultures in the area. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Tipsy Taco

Parker Nowinski, Salinas High School, Graphic Design

Illustration of a taco for Tipsy Tacos.

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Pixel Guard

Mark Deguzman, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

A picture of a guardian in a pixel art style. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Self Portrait

Jalen Lam, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This artwork had a few aspects kept in mind. First, the background is inspired by the battle backgrounds in the game "Earthbound". I imitated the art style by using colorful patterns and shapes. Second, I wanted it to fit in a button. Third, I wanted to make fun of myself. Finally, I wanted a contrast between dark and bright colors. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Sketch Up

Manuel Ray Izquierdo, Salinas High School, Draft Tech

This is a small imaginary dorm room. It was my favorite project nothing huge just having fun and glad to be in this class  

Submitted: 4/04/2024

Hit the Three

Rainn Nachbar, Carmel High School, Photography

This is one of my favorite photos I took at my school this year. At one of the final games that Carmel boys basketball played, I took this shot of one of our players hitting a three. I liked the foreground of the audience's hands as the player hit the shot. It was an epic moment when the shot went in. 

Submitted: 4/04/2024


Joaquin Muncy-Silva, Salinas High School, Graphic Design

My first project I created to represent a common fear of being alone. I wanted to capture this to try to sympathize with people who view my artwork who also feel similar. My second project is a tribute to one of my favorite videogames Bloodborne where I only used in game video and audio. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024

Pixel Art Graffiti

Isaiah Sheppy, Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This pixel art shows an example of what graffiti art is. The QR code leads to a website that shows the art term "Graffiti Art" and shows a list of examples of what graffiti really is. Art comes in many forms and graffiti art is one of them,  many people believe graffiti art is illegal but its because people use graffiti art to vandalize buildings. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024


Jonathan Sosa, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Made on Photoshop the charter is Mahoraga from Jujutsu Kaizen. Made by Jonathan Sosa for an assignment to show Photoshop skills. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024

AIM Poster

Janai Orozco, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Never give up. Cling to something whether it has value or not; hold on. Hold on for that gives you more reason, hold on for you are meant to be here, hold on for you are loved by many. Please, hold on because there will always be someone with their arms wide open waiting for you, even if you can't see them. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024


Angel Rodriguez, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This was an art project for an AIM competition. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024

Strawberry Cowboy

Lincoln Johnson, Salinas Union High School, Digital Art

A strawberry cowboy atop a banana horse gallops through the lush Salinas Valley fields. A delightful fusion of imagination and nature. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024


Alexander Perez, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

A man standing alone in a dark alley with a light shinning upon him. The colors are primarily black and different shades of grey. It depicts the style of being hand-drawn/sketched messily. A border serves as a ripped or torn paper around its edges with a statistic on a corner of ruled paper in the upper right. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024

AIM Youth Mental Health

Ricardo Mendez, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

Mental health is an important topic not often discussed enough in the community. It can be overlooked easily, and I want to help change that. The child represents how young mental health issues can start and the colors behind him are the various overwhelming thoughts filling his head. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024

Nebula Butterfly

Taylor Scanlan, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This was a photo of a butterfly that i merged with a nebula to in the end print out and create a sticker for gifts to give out. It was created using photoshop to combine the two images together. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024


Samantha Aguilar, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

This is my digital art portfolio it shows the creativity we get into in this class. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024


Tyler Scott Babione, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Media

This is a Digital Art recreation of the character Eclipse from the game franchise Five Nights At Freddy's. It was created with a use of line art and other shaping tools as implemented to us by our teacher Mr. Nichols. 

Submitted: 4/05/2024

Soundsuit: Deprivation in Validation

Savanah Mier Sanchez

This art piece is supposed to emphasize and bring awareness towards the amount of distress and effort students put into their academics and extracurriculars in order to stand out and feel their utmost best for themselves and their family at the expense of their own wellness. 

Submitted: 4/06/2024

Shoe Design: Sneaker

Juan Cisneros, Greenfield High School, Graphic Design 1

We had to design a shoe, we had already designed a logo and a font before making the shoe. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Shoe Design: High Heel

Alice Aguilar, Greenfield High School, Graphic Design 1

We designed a shoe, first we added an outline, then color, and then we added more details. This is the last step where we add shadows and patterns. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Boys Soccer Poster

Alejandro Chave Anguiano, Greenfield High School, Graphic Design 1

We had to combine 5 photos in Photoshop. We had to cut them out, then fade out the bottom of each photo with the brush tool on a layer mask. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Shutter Drag Photography

Raquel Bautista-Huerta, Greenfield High School, Digital Photography

I wanted to try shutter drag photography because I wanted to create mysterious and colorful photos using the blur. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Photography Portfolio

Jesus Garibay-Raya, Greenfield High School, Digital Arts

This is a collection of all of my photography projects.  I like taking pictures of athletes, but since then I've been asked to take portrait photos. I also like auto photography and anything challenging. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Renaldo Poster

Julio Aguirre, Greenfield High School, Digital Arts

For my portfolio I am designing posters for famous soccer players. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Identity Collage

Isabel Bernal, Seaside High School, Advanced Digital Media

This project is a collage of photoshopped images, artistically representing the creators identity. The project ranges from surface level symbolism like marigolds representing Hispanic heritage, to deeper symbolism like the paintings representing inner turmoils. This piece was created by Isabel Bernal for Ms. Scorpinitis Advanced Media Tech Class. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Little Wandering Angler Fish

Nina Motazedian, Salinas High School, Art in the Digital Age

A deep-sea fish, the angler fish, explores the ocean floor with it's bright light, photo bacterium, to guide the way. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Low Poly Self-Portrait

Paula Mariz Babao, North Salinas High School, Graphic Design

This is a Low Poly self-Portrait I made in Graphic Design. Since I wanted my piece to look very detailed, each shape is created in a tiny size. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

The Wolves

Elizabeth Jimenez, Monterey High School, Stage Direction

This slideshow explains all of the different aspects of "The Wolves", which was a play directed by Elizabeth Jimenez for a Stage Direction and Production class, led by Alicia Welch Harkins. This project also utilized project time from Digital Media, instructed by Martha Tonkin. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024

Poetry Slam Poster

Miguel Angel Vargas, Salinas High School, Graphic Design

I made the poster for the Poetry Slam and Evening of Spoken Word event at the Fox Theater in Salinas. I wanted to make a poster that looked a little western and retro at the same time while looking modern. 

Submitted: 4/07/2024