SUSD approval Process for Apps

How do I request approval for an app, software, website, etc.?

Note:  Choosing log in with Google does not mean the app has been approved.

Student Data Privacy Agreements

All software, apps, websites, etc. that teachers and students use must have a student data privacy agreement between Salida Union School District and the Vendor.  

Step 1:

Student Data Privacy Agreements with Salida Union School District - approved apps

Before using a software, website or app with students, check the list above to see if it has been approved.

Not necessarily approved for use, just approved from a privacy perspective.  If not approved here, it cannot go further in the process. 

Step 2:

Complete this form (see below) regarding how you will use the app, website, etc.

Form will be routed to site principal, Ed Services, DCTC for further discussion and possible approval.