Sessions vs Scenes Video:

Salida Union School District uses GoGuardian to monitor and filter student actions and Chromebooks. Teachers can set up sessions and scenes to interact with students in real time and monitor Chromebook activity.

Salida Teachers - To Do:

  1. Archive previous GoGuardian Classes. (This way any scenes you created for students will not still be applied to a student you no longer have on your roster.)

  2. Create new GoGuardian Classes for the current school year. (Do this step AFTER you have set up new Google Classroom(s) for the year.)

How to Archive a GoGuardian Class

Login at: Choose login with Google. (Or login from Clever)

See video (left) on how to archive a GoGuardian Classroom.

How to set up GoGuardian Classes after creating your Google Classroom(s).

How to use GoGuardian

This document has helpful information for using GoGuardian. Check it out!

GoGuardian Overview for Teachers

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