Important Voices

Listening to people who have been displaced is one of the best ways to learn. A variety of oral history projects and memoirs provide a platform for those who have been displaced to share their expereincs.

Listed below are a variety of resources that we have used for our own research and that have changed our perspectives about displacment. Consider reading or checking out some of these resources to learn more!

The Minnesota Historical Society's Minnesota Immigrant Oral History Project gives voice to people have been displaced through their oral history project.

The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives is a collection of essays written by people who were displaced and is curated by Viet Thanh Nguyen. This work offers personal accounts of what it is like to be displaced and the individual challenges the different contributing authors have faced.

Displacement is an ongoing crisis and reading the news often offers examples of the effects of displacement.

For a recent article related to COVID-19, this New Yorker article calls attention to the distinct challenges COVID-19 presents to displaced people.