Summer Reading

Summer Reading 2023

As most students are aware, summer reading is coming up in preparation for the upcoming school year. Many students may see this as one extra thing that they have to do for school this summer, but it can truly be an amazing opportunity to expand your horizons with different reading genres! You never know what you may find. Instead of choosing an easy read, choose a fun read that you will enjoy. Summer reading is a great way to read books you would not typically read on an everyday basis. 

Below is the summer reading information for each English course here at Homestead:

English 9, Honors English 9

English 10, Honors English 10

AP Literature, AP Language, Other 11-12 English Courses

You do not have to wait until summer to jump into your book for next year! You can find an audiobook version online, borrow a copy from a friend or the library, or even purchase your own copy if you desire. There are many options for easy access to your summer reading book. If you have questions about an easily accessible version, feel free to ask your current English teacher for recommendations as well! 

For more information about the summer reading program, check out the Homestead Homepage.