Course Information

About Me

I am Mr. Aguirre, your child’s Physical Education teacher. This year marks my 10th year teaching. I currently teach Physical Education 7/8 at the school but have also been involved with the World History Department, AVID program and after school athletics. I graduated from California Baptist University with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology and finished my Masters Degree in the same discipline in early 2016. I held an assistant coach position at CBU for 7 years on the baseball staff between 2009-2016. My wife Jenny and I welcomed our first child (Rozalyn) into our family in the fall of 2017. I look forward to working collaboratively towards your child’s success this school year.

Behavior Expectations

1. Be on time

2. Respect the Rights of others

3. Be seated for roll call

4. Do not disrupt the class

5. No profanity

6. Stay on Task

7. Provide energy and effort each day


Grades are calculated by percentages.

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

0-59% = F

Final Grade based on:

35% Participation-Daily Activities: daily points (dress, following directions, effort)

5% Participation-Assignments:Classwork/Homework

30% Assessments: both written and skill

30% Fitness: cardio, muscular strength, muscular endurance performance