Culinary Pathway

Mission: Rooted in the belief that food is medicine, the Culinary Pathway teaches basic nutrition and practical cooking skills, with the long-term goal of introducing students to a possible career in the Culinary Arts.

Vision: Promoting healthy lifestyles and happiness through nutritious foods and mastering culinary techniques as the key ingredients in the recipe for lifelong success.

"Motivating students through the heart of our existance: food."

dare to create

Culinary Arts Pathway Goals

  • Pathway graduates have training and practice in food nutrition, safety and sanitation, all necessary culinary skills, cooking methods, and kitchen leadership skills.

  • Gain experience in the business aspect of creating and running a culinary business.

  • Prepare to lead a kitchen post grade as a chef, kitchen manager, or sous chef.

  • Write and create menus and explore item costs for best cost effective practices.

  • Cook and cater for actual community events getting hands on experience in the catering business.