Year 7 - D Block

1️⃣ The What 

Bring-Your-Own-Device policy

2️⃣ The Why 

Shaping the Next Stage

We believe:

Responsibility & Mindset

For the Students

> View our research references

3️⃣ The How

Device & Management


Prefarably rear-facing

Touch input

Preferably touchscreen though a drawing tablet is acceptable.👀 See an example 👀


Keyboard & mouse

🎧 Earphones 

💾 Storage & Memory

🤔 If you have any concerns / questions about your existing device, please contact our Director of Digital Learning.

App Requirements

You will never be asked to spend more than 2,000THB-per-academic-year on apps.

Year 7

Please ensure your device has:

BYOD Programme Summary

Home Recommendations & Responsibilities

School Responsibilities

If you have any questions or concerns about BYOD, please feel free to contact our Director of Digital Learning.