Episode 8

Marijke Leliveld:

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics & Business

Marijke Leliveld is Assistant Professor at the marketing department of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Marijke studies consumer decision making, and particularly moral decision making like donations to charity or buying products which benefit charities as well, and teaches research methodology, ethics in international business and marketing communication.

In this episode we discuss small experiments that Marijke has made using the web-based meeting platform, Gathertown, and how it has helped her maintain a stronger feeling of connectedness with students and colleagues.

Click here for the video version of the podcast.

Click here for the audio only version of the podcast.

Show notes:

Gather.town's official website can be found here. You can make free accounts/rooms for up to 25 people. For more than 25 participants, you will need to be in contact with your faculty's coordinator for the Gather pilot project at the RUG to find out if you can access one of our upgraded spaces.

More information about the Gather.town pilot at the RUG, spearheaded by Young Academy Groningen, can be found by visiting our Edusupport website.

Marieke van Vugt blogged about how she is incorporating Gather.town into her tutorials and is considering adapting her poster project presentations from video recordings to Gather.town presentations for an experience that mimics real life poster sessions more accurately.

There was a recent article about the RUG's Gather.town project in the Ukrant.

Educational Support and Innovation (ESI) is the central instructional support team for all educators at the university. To find out more about the services and resources we have made available during this interesting time in the world, and in academic education, please visit: https://edusupport.rug.nl/