New Students

Which program is right for me?

As a new student, we're happy to answer all of your questions.

When you come to your first appointment, be sure to:

Let's Compare ... Diploma or HiSET?


To receive your diploma through our program, you will need to complete 20 credits which include:

Some classes are online and some are in-person.  All of our classes are small and have less than 5 students per class.  We also offer Learning Labs where you can come in to work on your classwork and ask questions and receive help from our instructors as needed.


The HiSET (High School Equivalency Test), formerly known as GED, is a set of tests in the following subject areas:

This method may be a better fit for some students, but it is not the best route for every student.  We will help you determine which direction you should go during the intake, initial CASAS assessment, meeting with our Academic Advisor and creating your ILP (Individualized Learning Plan).

Are you ready to get started?  Let's follow the steps below and get you into your classes.


Intake Form

This is required for any class or workshop you wish to participate and will be completed on your first visit to our program.

(This is not set up to transfer to us electronically due to confidentiality.)

Release of Social Security Numbers.pdf

SSN Release Form

Your social security number is required to enter the academic programs and is used only for data matching purposes. Please bring yours with you.  

If you are under 18 years old, your parent or guardian will have to sign this form.

FERPA Release Form.pdf


FERPA, Family Educational Records 

CASAS Pre and Post Testing

CASAS testing is required to determine your reading and math levels and also to help us place you with the right instructor to ensure that you are successful in your goals.

Once you are finished your program, you will also need to take another CASAS test to show your growth.

Go to to find a time that works for you to schedule an appointment with our Director.

FYI:  You will receive  a Redirect Notice because you will be going out of this website.


What's an ILP?

An ILP is your Individual Learning Plan.  This is your opportunity to help create your academic plan of action that works best for you.  You will need to meet with our Academic Advisor to discuss your plans.

Click here to set up an appointment.

Copy of RSU 19 Student Acceptable Use Policy 2020 updates.docx

Computer Use Acceptance Form

RSU 19 provides devices, networks and Internet access to support the educational mission of the schools and to enhance the curriculum and learning opportunities for students. The Board believes that the resources available through the Internet are of significant value in the learning process and preparing students for future success. 

All students are required to sign this agreement before using computers within our program.

Records Release from Other School.pdf

Records Release Form

If you are planning to do the high school diploma route, credit by credit, we will need your previous school's transcript.

Copy of Diploma contract

Student Agreements

Each student is required to enter under a contract 


WOWI   (World of Work Inventory) is an assessment that helps guide you to the career that fits you best.  This can be done individually on your own time.  Click on the link to get started using the username and password provided during your Intake appointment.