
What have you always wanted to learn?  We probably have that ... or a neighboring program does!

By clicking here, you can check out our entire list of fun classes and even register right there!  We also have online classes available to help meet your every need.

However, as always, if you have questions, we're just a call away and ready to help you.

Ph.: 207.368.3290

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Our Partners

RSU 19 Adult Education partners with several quality content providers to be able to offer you hundreds more classes than we can list in our catalog.  Feel free to browse their websites as well. 

FYI:  You may receive  a Redirect Notice because you will be going out of this website.

University of Maine

Cooperative Extension 

Another partner of ours is the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.

If you've ever thought about farming, gardening, food preservation, and more.  There is so much more knowledge available.

Feel free to visit their website at https://extension.umaine.edu/.

Requests for Other Classes

If you are still not finding the class that you'd like to take, we're always open to suggestions. 

Let us know what classes you'd like to see.

Just send an email to the Director at snowinski@rsu19.net.

Interested in Sharing Your Knowledge with Others?

RSU 19 Adult Education Quality of Life Instructor

We’re being optimistic, planning ahead to our next semester, and looking for some additional Quality of Life Instructors for Adult Education.

What is a Quality of Life Instructor?

This means that you want to share some of your skills and/or hobbies with others within our community.  These classes range from subjects such as: knitting, cooking, music, crocheting, photography, computers, writing, skiing, yoga, aerobic exercising, etc., etc., etc.  The possibilities are endless!  Hands-on classes are the best, but presentations are also very sought after.

You must be well versed in your area of instruction, hold a certificate of proficiency, or have lots of experience that you can demonstrate to the Director.

How do I submit my class?

Call our office for a Course Proposal Form to fully describe your class … you get to choose the day of the week, the time (as long as it’s after 3:30 p.m.) and how many weeks you’d like to run your class.  Some classes may just be one-night workshops, or they may be 3, 4 or 6 weeks in length.  We do not recommend going more than 6 weeks to maintain student commitment. 

Do I get paid?

Yes, you will be compensated hourly for your class time.

What if I’m not sure yet, but would like to talk with the Director?

You can schedule a meeting, either in person or remotely, by clicking the button below.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer