Physical Education

Adventure Based Learning Starts Here

Coronavirus Safety Tips

Race to 100-200 (Fitness) (1)
PE Choice Board

See more below...

Dear Parents,

As we move forward this year with our virtual learning, it will be important for students to get outside for at least an hour of activity time of every day. I am planning to incorporate weekly lessons to help keep students physically active in both the outdoors and at home. Please have your child check in at the beginning of each week to see their lesson. If possible have your child record their work and post it to their Padlet class at...

Be Well,

Mr. Carter

Dear Students,

I wanted to reach out to you all and say how much fun its been teaching you this year. Why stop the fun now? Even though we will be missing some school, there is still a lot we can do over the next couple months to keep the good times rolling while improving our wellness. Movement activities not only strengthens our muscles, it ensures we maintain a strong immune system, a wise mind and keeps us smiling each and every day. If you don't know what an immune system is, it's a little army inside of each one of us that fights off all those germs that enter our bodies potentially making us sick. It's very important to make time each and every day to get moving so we can stay healthy. I wish we could have have PE everyday...oh wait...we can now! Whooohooo!!!! I'd like to challenge you to keep up with me everyday and try to get more movement time or steps in. Below are some fun activity / challenges I will be doing with my family and that I hope you can do with yours that add steps to your day and are a lot of fun to do. Below I've attached your class challenges and lessons. There is also indoor fitness activities and a fitness log that will help you keep track of all that amazing work attached below. You will also find activity guides that help with relaxation, protecting you from any stress you may be experiencing. Please share as much of your work as possible to Padlet...

Now lets get moving and create our own schedules of activities that will improve our health and wellness!

Mr. Carter

Create your own activity schedule


Monday: Exercise Bingo / Gonoodle -

Tuesday: Roll for Fitness / Gonoodle -

Wednesday: Evolution of Dance / Gonoodle -

Thursday: Outdoors Challenge / Gonoodle -

Friday: 5210 Challenge / Gonoodle -

Activity Resources:

Dice For Fitness -

Scavenger Hunt - r4owOu9MHOYtjEHUhdms4qx9fgYd213dkuSU6AE&authuser=0

Choose Your Own Workout -

Stop Stress -

Race to 100 Dice Game -

Fitness Monopoly -

Freeze Dance -

5210 Daily Challenge -

25 Ways To Get Moving -

Card Exercise Game -

Bingo -

PE Choice Board -

Local Trails To Hike -

Eating Healthy -

AHA Get Moving -

Mental Health and Wellbeing -

  • Daily PE Home Activities

  • April

Home Fitness Challenge #1 (3/27/20)

  1. Fitness Challenge! If you have the space begin with either 10 seconds or the gym's length of skipping, galloping, side-slide, and butt-kicks.

    1. 10 Jumping Jacks!

    2. 5 sit-ups: bend knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Sit all the way up and then back down.

    3. Arm circles: 5 forward and 5 backward

    4. 10 Frog Jumps: squat down so that your hands touch the ground then jump up as high as you can!

    5. Line Jumps: find a crack in the sidewalk, use a stick, or draw a line with chalk. Jump over the line using two feet then try hopping with one foot. 5 with two feet then 5 on each foot.

    6. 10 Wall Push-ups: place hands on a wall in front of your shoulders. Step your feet back from the wall and complete your push-ups. The further your feet are from the wall, the more difficult the movement becomes!

    7. 5 Inch Worms: Stand with hands on the ground in front of your fee. Walk your hands away from your feet until your body becomes flat. Walk your feet back towards your hands and repeat!

  1. Hopscotch

    1. Find sticks, leaves, rocks, or other items like chalk to create a hopscotch board.

    2. You can be creative and put as many single boxes or double boxes in a row as you would like.

    3. To practice throwing you can use a small stone or ball to toss onto the hopscotch board. The square that it lands in is where you will jump to.

  1. Obstacle Course

    1. Using sticks, logs, trees, and other items you have at home. This can also be done indoors in an appropriate space with safe items!

    2. Use sticks or logs to jump/leap over, go under shorter branches on a tree, set up lawn chairs to weave through, etc.

    3. Be creative! You can create one or as many courses as your imagination can come up with!

Home Fitness #2 (4/6/20)

Howdy Folks,

Lets get that heart pumping this week. I set up a great fitness routine for one week using Darebee. I encourage you to go to the site a set up a fitness routine for a full month. All exercises can be seen on the video library found on the site if you need more explanation on how to do the exercise. Enjoy.

Mr. Carter


- Warm-up -


- Legs- Lower Body - Lesson: k-2 home-alone-workout.pdf

- Cardio -

- Abs -

- Flexibility -

- Cool Down -

Tuesday: - Warm-up


- Upperbody Strength -

- Abs -

- Flexibility -

- Cool Down -

Wednesday: - Warm-up


- Lower Body Strength -

- Abs -

- Cardio -

- Flexibility -

- Cool Down -

Thursday: - Warm-up


- Upperbody Strength -

- Abs -

- Flexibility -

- Cool Down -

Friday: - Warm-up


- Cardio -

- Abs -

- Flexibility -

- Cool Down -

Home Fitness Lesson #3 (4/13/20)

Warm-up Dance Video :

Workout Video :

Cool Down Video :

Home Fitness Lesson #4 (4/30/20)

Each Day this week start with completing your dynamic warm-up.

Dynamic Warm-Up -

50 - Jumping jacks

50 - One foot hops - 25 right leg / 25 left leg

50 - Two foot hops

50 - Kareoke

50 seconds - Running in place

50 Skips

50 Seconds Plank Position

Monday: Dude Perfect Challenge - Try to video yourself making the most impossible sock shot.

    1. Use a pair of folded socks to shoot into a laundry basket.

    2. You can also use a soft ball, rolled up towel with elastic bands around it, or a stuffie. Whatever works for you!

    3. Example: You could shoot the β€œball” off the wall, off a chair, off the floor and into a bucket. You can set up a single β€œhoop” or add multiples for a challenge.

    4. You can do competitions against family members to see who can get their β€œball” in the β€œhoop” first.

    5. See who can score the most points in one minute (this can also be done solo-with supervision).

    6. After each successful shot, stand further away from the β€œhoop” and see how far back you can get.

Tuesday: Ultimate Bowling - Remember to step with your opposite foot

    1. Use a pair of folded socks (or soft ball, stuffie, etc.) to knock over empty (clean and dry) cans and bottles.

    2. Set up 3-10 bottles or cans, depending on the students age, and roll the ball towards the cans.

    3. Try from different distances and with different amounts of cans/bottles.

    4. Can you hit a specific bottle?

Wednesday: Tag!

    1. With 2 people: when the other person gets tagged they must complete a movement/ activity. Examples: 5 jumping jacks, count to 5, 5 frog jumps, or make up your own.

    2. When they are done with their movement/activity they become the tagger!

    3. With 3 or more people: when a person gets tagged they must freeze is a silly pose and wait for another player to tag them back into the game.

Thursday: Grave Yard

    1. If you need to get the kids running this is a great activity!

    2. When you say daytime they run around (in a safe and designated area). They can pretend to be their favorite animal.

    3. When you say night-time they lay down and pretend to go to sleep.

    4. If you are playing outside and the ground is still a bit wet the kids can freeze or sleep standing up.

Friday: Balance Challenge!

    1. Try a variety of balancing movements/ challenges.

    2. Can you stand on one foot? One foot and one hand? Two hands and one foot? Two feet and one hand?

    3. Use a pair of folded socks, small soft ball, or stuffie and try to balance them on your head, shoulder, elbow, back, knee, and foot.

    4. Can you walk or run with your object balanced on any of these body parts?

Weekend - Bag juggling -

  1. Practice bag juggling - Ten in a row makes you a master.

  • 2 bag - Over, over, down, down - Each throw goes across the middle.

  • 3 bag - Start with the hand that has two, throw across the middle with the right hand, throw the left up while pulling the floating bag down, then continue by saying," over, down, over, down and so on.

  1. Sock Ball Juggling - Same pattern as bag juggling. Ten in a row makes you a master.

  • Two Sock Ball Juggling - Start with the hand that has two in it. Say "Up, up, catch, catch."

  • Three Sock Ball Juggling - Over, over, up

Home Fitness Lesson #5 (5/7/20)

Each Day this week start with completing your dynamic warm-up.

Dynamic Warm-Up -

50 - Jumping jacks

50 - One foot hops - 25 right leg / 25 left leg

50 - Two foot hops

50 - Kareoke

50 seconds - Running in place

50 Skips

50 Seconds Plank Position

  1. Balloon Challenges and Activities -

  1. Paper Plate Tabata -

  2. Online Physical Activity Challenges

Mr. Carter’s Picks for Online Elementary Activities

Pick one of these videos each day and do it alone or with family members.

Fresh Prince Theme Song - NTV | GoNoodle

Twilight The Unicorn of Dreams | A Cosmic Kids Yoga adventure!

Squish the Fish | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Pedro the Penguin Goes to the Fun Fair | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Thought Bubbles | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

The Owl and the Guard Dog | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

The Listening Game | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

KIDZ BOP Kids - Best Day Of My Life (Dance Along)

KIDZ BOP Kids - KIDZ BOP Shuffle (Dance Along) Spider-man yoga compilation | Cosmic Kids Yoga

Star Wars (The Force Awakens) | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

ZUMBA KIDS - Electronic Song - Minions

Zumba Kids (easy dance) - I like to move it

KIDS EXERCISE VIDEO - fun workout for 3 to 9 year olds - toddlers exercises

Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle

10 min Kids Cardio Workout - HIIT - 30s/20s Intervals - No equipment Exercise with your own music

Kids Daily Exercise - Day 1

Yoga for Kids!

Brain Breaks - Action Songs for Children - Move and Freeze - Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Kids Learn a Dance to "Can't Stop the Feeling" by Justin Timberlake!

*******Parents this video has tumbling stunts like forward roles...please review before your child does this video. You can tell your child to do only the dance steps and not the rolls.


Dance Video

KIDZ BOP Kids - Make Some Noise (Dance Along)

KIDZ BOP Kids - Juju On That Beat (Dance Along)

KIDZ BOP Kids- Whoomp! There It Is (Dance Along)

KIDZ BOP Kids - Thunder (Official Music Video)

KIDZ BOP Kids – Havana (Official Music Video)

KIDZ BOP Kids - Uptown Funk (Official Music Video)

Have a Blast With This Family Fun Cardio Workout!

Kids Exercise - Kids Workout At Home

Listen with your own music 27 min Killer Cardio & Ab Workout with No Equipment - Home Workout

Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

Clap It Out - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

U Can't Touch This - NTV | GoNoodle

Reacting to believer song gonoodle

KIDZ BOP Kids - Best Day Of My Life (Dance Along)

GoNoodle Jump

Bye Bye Bye - NTV | GoNoodle

Freeze Dance for Kids | Music for Kids | The Kiboomers

Home Fitness Lesson #6 (5/14/20)

Fitnessgram Pacer Test

Measure off 65 feet and see how many laps you can complete. Your healthy fitness zone starts at 25 and for those movers and groovers that want a challenge try to exceed the standard by making it beyond 40. Good luck.

"The FitnessGram Pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter Pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal *boop*. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound *ding*. Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start."

Home Fitness Lesson #6 (5/21/20)

This weeks lesson is to play simple games preferrably outside that keeps you active.

Monday - Hopscotch

Hopscotch is excellent for helping kids improve balance and coordination because of all of the rapid changes in movement required. Get out the sidewalk chalk and set up hopscotch on your patio or driveway and hop along with each other.

Tuesday - Obstacle course

Set up an obstacle course in the backyard. Get creative with what you have available to make it fun and challenging. Use garden stones or an old 2x4 to create a balance beam, mark a pathway for them to run or ride their bike on, set up a big bucket for them to throw a ball in.

If you don't have an outdoor space, you can still turn a playroom, garage, basement, or even your kid's bedroom into an obstacle course. Set up different stations like pillows for them to jump over, a row of chairs for them to crawl under, or a line made from painter's tape on the floor for them to walk or run on while balancing a beanbag on your head.

Wednesday - Two to 4 square

Sometimes the simple, time-tested games are the best! Draw numbered squares on your driveway and challenge each other to bounce the ball to a family member standing in whatever number square you call out. (You do need four people for a traditional foursquare game, but if you have fewer than four people in your household, you can create a simple variation by drawing a triangle or a rectangle with fewer spots.)

Thursday - Follow the leader

Line up a single file and let each family member take turns being the "leader." The leader decides how the group will move around the backyard. Think crawling around the perimeter, walking backwards (carefully), hopping on one foot, going down the slide if you have one.

Friday - Red light green light

Stand along a fence in the backyard and ask a family member to stand across the yard from them. When you call "Green Light!" they can advance toward you and when you call "Red Light!" they stop. Change up the type of movement they use, from jumping to tiptoeing, and make sure to switch roles so they get a chance to lead too.

Live Life


Have Fun


Let The Adventures Begin

Lesson #1 04/02/20

  • Fort Building 101

  • For the Youtube video please press the link above the picture.

Hey there!!!

First of all, I totally miss seeing all of you! I know how boring its been staying home and how you are eagerly awaiting the return of daily homework ;) This distant learning is new to all of us and I promise we can figure this out together, so bear with me. I promise to make my homework for you as exciting, challenging and fun as I can make it. Our first adventure will be how to build a debris shelter. An important survival skill for any outdoor adventurist. Debris shelter is a fancy name of a specific type of fort. There are lots of ways to build them so get as creative as you like. Also, forts are awesome to grow, hangout and spend time in, especially when you hear talk about doing chores and yard work:) Please check in each week for your youtube link. I will also be including a home exercise routine that I'd like you to do daily if possible. A great time for this would be before going out on your daily family walks and outings. Remember, muscles shrink and become weak when not used. It's important that we keep our bodies healthy and strong during our time away. Moving forward, I'll be also learning about the best ways on how to connect and communicate with all of you so we can share all those cool heart pounding adventures you have been on. Until then, tune in to this page and get outside and have fun.

Mr. Carter



Lesson #2 - 4/10/20 - Dog Walking Challenge

For those that have dogs of any breed its important to give them exercise. When we exercise our dogs we get ercise ourselves. Often however, the dog takes us for a walk dragging us all over town. Training them to behave on our walks requires them to be able to understand the commands heel and sit. In this lesson I will teach you how to train your dog to go on an enjoyable walk with you.



Lesson #3 Fishing Challenge 4/16/20

Press Here For The Challenge Link

The bite is on!!! Get out there and go fishing when you can.

Lets Take A Walk Together

Lesson #4 Outdoor Exploration Photo Tour 4/23/20

Create your own relaxation video or slideshow

When things are on your mind and you're feeling stressed, a walk in the outdoors tends to help. Find the things you find beautiful, relaxing or interesting and create a slide show or video. If possible, incorporate your favorite relaxation music. Use the video to help you relax before going to bed. I used IMovie to create my video. Feel free to use whatever programs you know best. Good luck.

Lesson # 5 Hit Every Beat Challenge 4/30/20

oh Nana Challenge

If there are other dances you want to challenge me to do, add it to our Padlet link and I'll do my best.

Lesson #6 Share The Outdoors With Your Family - 5/7/20

Spending time in the outdoors with family can be incredibly fun and rewarding. Passing along your outdoor passion to a younger brother or sister creates memories that you'll share forever. Here is a creative lesson that will provide you with hours of enjoyment together.

I share my first attempt in making my own fairy/gnome home. I could use your help :)

This is the best story I could find to share with your little brother or sister.

The Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay have a special area with fairy houses, they do stories and activities in the warmer months and are even included at Gardens Aglow.

Lesson # 7 Outdoors Challenge 5/14/20

This week your PE challenge is to track and record the number of minutes spent outdoors for the entire week doing all those things you enjoy so much. It could be riding your bike or skateboard, jumping rope, playing in the mud, building forts, going fishing, hiking, playing pass, playing tag, hula hooping and so on. Lets see who spends the most time outdoors in your class. Each day you can share on padlet to let your classmates know to see who is in the lead. Feel free to challenge other classrooms as well.

Example: Monday - 186 min

Tuesday - 123 min

Wednesday - 208 min

Thursday - 111 min

Friday - 162 min

Total = 790 minutes "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!" :)

Lesson # 8 Bike Safety 5/21/20

This week we are focusing on bike skills. Safe biking requires you to know your bike, the rules of the road and your safety equipment. Lets put this knowledge to work. Study the provided worksheets. Now breakout those bikes, go through your checklist and be sure they are ready for the road. Be sure your helmet fits properly and get out there and practice your skills. To become an expert requires a daily ride. Have fun!!!!

Please share your rides at

Field Day 2020

Welcome to your last physical education class for the year. I have designed a 10 station field day for you to compete against your classmates, other classes, teachers friends or family. Keep track of all your times, then add them up for a final score. This will be a an ice bucket challenge where the loser gets a bucket of icewater over the head. Challenge as many of your friends as you like and have fun. Please share videos to padlet. Enjoy and have a great summer!

Suggested Materials:

  • Laundry Basket

  • Reusable Water Bottle

  • Three Balls

  • Towel

  • Egg

  • Spoon

  • Whipped Cream (or other edible substance)

  • Hat, Pants, Jacket, Sneakers or Boots

  • Sturdy Garbage Bag

  • Two Cups and/or Cones

  • Dish Rag or Face Cloth

  • Bucket

  • Single Use Water Bottle or Soda Bottle

Optional Materials:

  • Camera and/or Phone (for documentation purposes)

  • Score Pad/Pencil (if keeping score)

  • Calculator

Youtube Link Below:

P.s. What 's up with that youtube cover photo? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž