
Ms. DeRosa

Peanut and Cirrus, Ms. DeRosa's cats

Fisher MitchelL Falcons!

Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well! I've been enjoying your Padlet posts! They are so heartwarming and creative. I'm also so proud you all for making the most of staying safe at home. You are all being such respectful and responsible citizens of Bath and Maine! Keep up the great work!

If you still want to participate in other activities scroll down further!

Each week in Guidance, we will do some fun activities to help your mind and body stay happy and healthy through our time apart!

Weekly activities

Week 9 June 1 - 5

Finn and Alex, excellent job! I'm sure you'll enjoy reading it in the years to come!

First, I want to say how proud I am with all of you. This time has not been easy for anyone, and you have been very responsible and dedicated students. Please take the time this summer to continue, reading, learning in creative ways, moving your body, and taking time for yourself to do activities that make you feel good. Please continue to be kind and reach out to your friends and relatives. It will boost your mood and theirs!

This week please make a list of all the things you hope to do over the summer, and all the activities and self-care strategies you enjoy. If you are ever feeling bored or don't know what to do, take a look at this list and pick one to try!

Please post this list to the Padlet, so you and your classmates can get ideas from each other.

Enjoy your summer, be safe and have so much fun! I miss you all, see you in September!

Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 8 May 26 - 29

Shout out to Finn for all his efforts throughout this time AND his scavenger hunt photos, outstanding!

This week I'm going to have you write a letter to you your future self! I loved writing these as a student because it was so interesting to read it later and see what has changed. You can write all of this on paper and put in an envelop to read at a later date or have a family member help you send an email to yourself in 1-year, 3-years or 5-years! Future Me.

Create your own sentences or choose from these sentence starters:

A funny memory I have from this year is.....

A happy memory from this time is...

Most of my days are spent doing....

A reason I love being home right now is....

A reason I'm upset we didn't finish the school year is...

Something that I'll always remember about this time is...

I have felt ______________ about this time away from school because....

I hope I can ____________________________________ next school year.

I would like to ___________________________________ durning the summer.

Finally give your future self a little pep talk and let yourself know how awesome you are!

Put it in a safe space and read it in May 2021 or later!

Feel free to post a sentence or two on the Padlet! Enjoy!

Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 7 May 18 - 22

I love the flowers you all created! I have to give a special shout-out to Alden for his Lego flower! Also, amazing job to Avery, Sophia, and Lawson for your efforts! Great work!

This week, I'm giving you two options - an indoor and an outdoor scavenger hunt!

Indoor Feelings Scavenger Hunt:

Find something that...

  1. makes you feel happy

  2. you are proud of

  3. you like to do when feeling silly

  4. reminds you of someone who makes you feel loved

  5. you do or use to calm down when feeling mad

  6. tells about a time you were brave

  7. you feel grateful for

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt:

Find a...

  1. nice smell

  2. bug

  3. yellow flower

  4. white pebble

  5. short tree

  6. bird

  7. strange smell

  8. prickly plant

  9. a red leaf

  10. green grass

Please feel free to share your findings on Padlet! If you don't, and you just want to have fun, enjoy!

Be well!

Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 6 May 11 - 15

Your rocks look wonderful! I hope you enjoyed creating them and thinking about how it will positively impact someone's day. We are going to continue using art to express kindness.

Please watch this short video about an artist providing cheer to those who are in need of comfort: Art for Sick People.

I really appreciate his generous spirit and care for other people who he doesn't even know. I also thought it was kind that he noticed other people that could really use some flowers right now too.

Who have you noticed that could use some flowers? This week, please create flowers for someone you know or people you don't know like artist, Tucker Nichols.

Be creative, who have you observed lately or in the past that could use some cheer or colorful flowers? Draw on the Padlet or take a picture of your art and post it to the Padlet. Be sure to write who your sending your virtual flowers to, but without using their name! :)

Check out Tucker Nichols website to learn more.


Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 5 May 4 - 8

Can we ever spread too much kindness? No way! :)

See the videos from week 2 for a kindness refresher.

I have two very simple, but powerful activities for you to do this week.

1). Write 5 things you like about each person in your home. Leave it on their pillow so they find it before they go to sleep.

Notice how you feel when you are writing, placing it on their pillow, and maybe hearing their reaction. I bet it made them feel good, does it make you feel good too? I'm guessing it does!

2). Paint a rock with a colorful message of kindness. Go for a walk and leave it for someone else to see! Example phrases: Be well, Peace, Love, Spread Joy, Have Hope, Care, Share, Show Kindness. There are so many more words to choose from, be creative!

You can leave the rock on your doorstep for others to see as they pass by, or you could place it on on a trail you walk along with your family. When you set it down, think about all the people who will look at it and smile. You did that!!!! :)

Simple acts of kindness make you and others feel happy. Those happy feel-good-feelings spread!

Feel free to share the activities on your class Padlet. I would LOVE to see your painted rocks!!!

Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 4 April 27- May 1

I hope you all enjoyed your break. I was able to garden a lot and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. It really helped me reset and recharge my mind to feel happy and calm.

As the sun's angle becomes stronger and the weather shifts to warmer temperatures, the outside becomes alive again. There is more movement, from ants crawling, bugs flying, and worms wriggling. There is more sound with birds chirping, squirrels rustling and peepers peeping. You can feel grass or pebbles on your feet, and warm sun or breeze on your skin. There are smells of flowers, soil and fresh air.

This week I'll invite you to try a grounding exercise using your five senses. A grounding exercise is something that can help you feel better if you are upset, worried, feeling sad or if you just need a quiet moment for yourself in order to recharge or reset. You can do this inside, but I love to do it outside!

First, take 2-3 nice slow belly breaths to get yourself settled.

Check in with yourself before. How do you feel?

Take a moment and write down:

5 things you can see

4 things you can feel

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell OR 2 things you are grateful for

1 thing you can taste (food or drink only!) OR 1 thing you like about yourself

Check-in with yourself again. How do you feel now?

Feel free to add some or all of these to your class Padlet.

Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 3 April 13-17

I've been able to join some of your community meetings, it's been so wonderful to see you. A couple of students in Mrs. Soule's class sparked some realizations for me... When we cook, we may not always have the right ingredients needed to make the meal we want, but if we look in our cupboards there are often other ingredients to use. With these different ingredients, we can end up with a really different, but really yummy meal!

Right now, we might not be doing all the things we want to be doing, but we can make substitutions for those activities and end up having a really great day.

Many of you are making these substitutions and still enjoying your day. I'm so impressed with your flexibility!

This week, I'm giving you a set of questions you can ask yourself each day that might help you think about what you can do to make it different, but still great.

  1. What am I grateful for today?

  2. Who am I checking-in on or contacting today?

  3. What is something I miss doing, but can let go of today?

  4. What will I do outside today?

  5. How am I going to move my body today?

  6. What is something I can create today or improve on today?

Join me on your class Padlet and share a few or all of your answers for at least one day! Feel free to make a video, draw or post pictures that represent your answers! HAVE FUN!!!

Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade)

Week 2 April 6 - April 10

Spreading Kindness - Inspiration and Information:

Feel free to enjoy all three videos or just pick the link for your grade.

Kindness is a Muscle - song! 3rd-grade video

Color Your World With Kindness 4th-grade video

The Science of Kindness 5th-grade video

It's easy to think of ways to be kind to yourself - reading a fun book, coloring, or dancing. It's also easy to think of ways to be kind at home - playing with pets, cleaning, or sharing with your siblings. While all of these things are very important, it feels really essential to spread kindness in the community right now.

It seems a bit more difficult to spread community kindness while also staying safe at home. So, here's an idea from Sophia in Ms. Newkirk's class for the whole school! Hearts for Healthcare HEROS!

Share your ENORMOUS gratitude for healthcare workers, and join all of FMS in displaying a heart on your front door or window to let healthcare heroes know how thankful we are.


  1. Create a heart out of construction paper (any color), cardboard, magazine scrapes, or anything you have around the house (be creative), and write a message. Example: Thank you so much!

  2. Stick the heart on your door or window at home.

  3. Take a picture and post it to Ms. Newkirk's, all school Padlet! (Hearts for Healthcare Workers).

  4. A video will be created with the community hearts and sent to local health care agencies!

Week 1 - March 30 - April 3

Hi everyone! I hope you are all finding time to take care of your mind & body while we're away.One of my healthy coping strategies is to snuggle with my cats, Peanut and Cirrus (see picture at left).

Healthy Coping Strategies - Which of these 10 coping strategies are you finding most useful right now? Link to our class Padlet (click here for 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade) and share your answer by clicking on the pink plus sign in the lower right hand corner. (Example pictured at right.)

  • Play outside

  • Journal or write a letter

  • Cuddle or play with a pet

  • Create art

  • Make and play with slime

  • Clean, de-clutter or organize

  • Take some deep breaths

  • Counting to 10

  • Talk to someone you trust

  • Do something kind

  • Other? Share your own ideas!

When you click on the Padlet to share your favorite healthy strategy, it will look a little like this.

Resources and LInks

Mind Yeti is a library of research-based guided mindfulness sessions that help kids and adults calm their minds, focus their attention and connect to the world around them.

Check back regularly for more new links here!