Welcome and Connect - About this Module:

The purpose of this assignment is to break the ice and get to know your classmates. We will be using Canvas discussion quite a bit this school year, so it is important that we learn it now and learn how to do it correctly. In a discussion on Canvas, you will introduce yourself to your classmates by posting on the discussion board. Your post must include your first and last name, one thought about going back to school (even if online only), your most recent new hobby, skill or pastime you have picked up, and the kind of food you have eaten the most of since the covid 19 pandemic began.

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

1) Navigate to and post correctly on the Canvas discussion board.

2) Respond correctly to more than one other classmate's posts.

3) Communicate in writing something about themself in order to get to know one another.

4) Find the scored rubric in Canvas for written communication, find the comments on the rubric, and comment back to the facilitator their thoughts on their score.

Welcome and Connect Video Full.mp4

Welcome and Connect Video

Click the video on the left to watch

How to submit to canvas online

It works better to use Canvas online NOT the app. Here's how.

Here's the link to log in to Canvas online. Click here.