Create your Very Own App!

About this Challenge:

10th grade design students will create an app for a specific purpose for a specified target market. The rubrics used for this challenge are collaboration, creativity, communication. The project management tie-in will be Cost Analysis. The business plan and App will be co-pitched during an Expo, with local business owners invited to judge, give feedback and make suggestions. By the end of this challenge, learners will be able to create a minimum viable product App with 2 add ons designed and curtailed to their business partnership, and pitch their app solution including cost analysis and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) to stakeholders at an Expo.

Big Idea: Entrepreneurship

Essential Question: How can we create an app to assist with the startup of a small business?

Challenge: Create your Very Own App!

Pitch Deck / Business Plan Keynote Presentation

Write your business plan and pitch in this Keynote Template

How to make a music video app

How to do your work videos

How to Wire Frame your App