Working Memory

"Working Memory - Refers to a 'mental workspace' where students can store and manipulate information for brief periods in order to perform other cognitive activities. When working memory is limited, students may have difficulty keeping multiple pieces of information in mind while carrying out a task. Possible signs or symptoms of difficulty include problems with mental calculations and math problem solving, language and reading comprehension and writing. Additionally, students may have difficulty following multi-step directions. They may appear inattentive." (taken from the RDSB IEP Companion)

For example: if you were verbally asked to add 5 and 12 and then subtract 7 from that sum, someone with a working memory issue might remember the numbers 5 and 12 but not remember the operation involved, or the fact that they need to subtract 7 from the sum of the two numbers.

When students are identified with a learning disability, they have average to above average intelligence but struggle with one or more areas of cognitive processing.

Below is a sample psychoeducational graph that would have been created from a psych assessment administered to a student.

A score between 90 and 110 is considered the average range. Take a look at the working memory score....

Working Memory and Math

The York Region District School Board created a resource document entitled Understanding Learning Disabilities: How processing affects mathematics learning. Page 8 of the document gives you more information about what working memory is, possible signs and teaching/assessment strategies to support this need.

Understanding Needs

The following link contains video of a student explaining what it's like to have attention issues. Following the video, is a simulation for you to experience what it's like to experience this while completing a task. Please click on 'simulation' once we explore the video together.

RDSB IEP Companion
Rosen, P. Working Memory: What it is and how it works. Retrieved from
York Region District School Board. Understanding Learning Disabilities: How processing affects mathematics learning